Maths Home Learning Tuesday 5th May

Good morning!

I hope you enjoyed the activities set yesterday and that you are getting much quicker recalling times table and number bond facts.

Don’t forget ‘Hit the button’ is a great way to practise and build up speed:


Our focus today will be practise comparing number sentences using mathematical language and symbols.

You will need to gather some resources for todays lesson. Find 6 cups ( any sort) something you could use as counters ( coins, buttons, lego pieces) and you workbook or paper.

Watch the teaching video:

There are some additional activities below:

Try this online activity on Classroom Secrets



You could play this ‘domino’ loop card game. There is a copy to print below but if you are not able to print you could make your own using scrap paper or card. Don’t forget to save the game to play another day!
