Caradoc’s Week

It was lovely to welcome all the children back after half term, and see how happy and keen they were to continue with their learning.  This week we have been looking at the features and success criteria of a windy day description, followed by looking at different verbs.  In Maths we have continued our Addition and Subtraction unit by looking at 10 more and 10 less, related facts, number bonds to 100 and adding and subtracting in ones.  In Science we completed a sticky knowledge quiz to see what we remembered from our Animals including Humans unit, and in RE we discussed our knowledge of Christmas.  In ICT we continued creating algorithms (a set of instructions) to make an animal move by pressing a button and in PE we started our dance unit by moving around the hall like an animal.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Allan.  Allan is working hard across all lessons but I am particularly impressed with his attitude and listening. He puts his hand up instead of shouting out and is always wanting to share his opinions. This week Allan has worked extremely hard in art creating his own Christmas card with a story and meaning behind it. Well done Allan.

Please remember I am holding a parents zoom meeting on Monday, 8th November regarding phonics and early reading.  There are two sessions at 2.00pm and 4.30pm.  Please do try to attend one of the sessions, I will also be explaining the upcoming Phonics Screening Check.  You will find the links for both meetings on Class Dojo.

Finally I wanted to thank everyone who is reading with their child at home.  It is wonderful to read through all the reading records on a Friday and seeing how much you are enjoying listening to our children develop in their reading.