Caradoc’s Week

Caradoc have been working hard this week with their Christmas Production rehearsals, we have mastered the singing beautifully and are now concentrating on learning our lines and acting out the production.  We have also been writing windy day narratives in English, making sure we use verbs, adverbs, exclamation sentences and statement sentences, using all the skills we have been learning over the past three weeks.  In Maths we have been learning how to use column subtraction to support our subtraction calculations.  In Science we have started our Everyday Materials unit by looking at a range of items in our classroom, and identifying and grouping the different types of materials.  In RE we learnt about advent and why this is such an important time for Christians, the children then created their own advent calendars.

Please can I remind everyone to continue reading at home as well as practicing spellings daily.

Well done to Harry who is our Star of the Week this week.  Harry has been working incredibly hard this week with his writing, making sure he uses the features we have been learning about.  Harry is always on task and is such a kind friend to everyone.  He is helpful and caring, and always has a smile on his face!  Also, well done to Darcie who was absent last week for our Star of the Week celebration.  Darcie has been working hard to be independent, continuing her learning at home and asking for more work to complete.  Darcie is a caring and kind child, who helps everyone.  Well done to you both.