Caradoc’s Week

The children have been working well this week to develop the skills they have been learning over the last few weeks.  In English, we have been writing diary entries and command sentences relating to The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward, using questions and exclamation sentences as well.  In Maths we have been using our counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and seeing how these link to out time tables, which the children have picked up quickly!  In Science we have looked at a range of materials based on their properties and completed a prediction ready of our investigation next week on the most suitable material to make an umbrella with.  In PSHE we continued our unit on our feelings by discussing different feelings we experience during a range of scenarios.  In Geography we looked at life in the Polar Regions, looking at the different types of animals in both regions.  In Art we used oil pastels and chalk to create a range of different snail spirals, which was great fun!  In PE we learnt how to carry out hedgehog forward rolls and rock and roll.  Finally in ICT we have started looking at Spreadsheets.

We have also had our first visit to the new school library.  We explored the shelves together before sitting on the beautiful new library rug to listen to a story.  This will be a weekly occurrence, and we look forward to using this wonderful space.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Tommy.  Tommy has been working extremely hard in Maths this week with his times tables and has shown what a great times table whizz he is!  Tommy is a kind, helpful friend, and enjoys putting 100% effort into all our tasks.  Well done Tommy.