Caradoc’s Week

We have had a great week in Caradoc, with our main events being the Valentine’s Disco and the Year 2 Gymnastics competition at the Marches.  It was wonderful to be able to attend the disco, it is an event we have all missed over the last couple of years.  All children who attended had a brilliant time, everyone joined in and behaved exceptionally!  Thank you to the PTA for organising the disco and I for sure cannot wait until the next one.

On Wednesday, 12 Caradoc children attended a Gymnastics competition at The Marches.  The children worked so hard and performed well.  Some of our children gained gold, silver and bronze places, and overall Holy Trinity came fifth out of all the schools that attended.  Mrs Walmsley and Miss Griffiths, who took the children, commented on the children’s exceptional behaviour, well done to everyone involved and I am hoping to share a selection of photographs will follow shortly.

During the rest of the week, we have started our Statistics unit in Maths by completing tally charts and learning how to interpret the results.  In English we have started to write our own version of The Dragon machine following creating our story plans.  In Science we learnt about what happens to materials when they are heated, focusing on the particles inside the material and how they change with heat.  In RE we looked at a copy of Qur’an and designed a poster on the importance of handling this holy book with such care and regard.  In Art we continued our drawing work based on Stephen Wiltshire, with the children drawing pictures of London.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Finley.  Finley always puts 100% effort into everything he does, he is a brilliant role model and such a good friend.  I chose Finley this week because of his effort in the Gymnastics competition, gaining gold in one of the routines.  Well done Finley!