Caradoc’s Week

We have had a great week in Caradoc, with the children becoming keen and eager to share their views and ideas.  In English we have been learning about writing in the past progressive form and considering what we think a hero is.  In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, as well as counting the edges and vertices of 2D shapes.  In RE we looked at the signs of Spring and Easter, discussing the importance of Easter to Christians.  In Science, we have started our Living Things and Their Habitats unit by looking at how to classify things that are dead and alive using MRSGREN.  In PSHE we looked at age ratings, discussing why these are important and what exactly they mean.  In PE we had our first Mindfulness Stretching session, which the children really enjoyed.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Alfie.  Alfie is always doing the right thing and is a fantastic role model.  This week Alfie has been working hard in English, making sure he is writing consistently in the past tense.  Well done Alfie!

On Thursday, 17th March I will be holding a KS1 SATS meeting for you in Caradoc at 5pm.  This is an information session where we will discuss the SATS, support you can provide at home, as well as looking at some past papers.  A letter went home on Friday with a reply slip.  If you have any questions, please do let me know.