Caradoc’s Week

It was lovely to welcome back all the children to the second part of our summer term.  The children have all settled back into school well after the half term break and have worked hard!

In English we have completed a recount based on our Jubilee celebrations.  In Maths we have been using cm and m to measure a range of items in and out of the classroom, as well as creating comparison sentences.  In Geography we have started looking at Oswestry and London, with our first lesson helping us locate both places on our UK map, along with the four countries that make up the UK and their capital cities.  In Science we discussed what we know about plants and what we would like to find out, and in RE we looked at the picture of the Gospel from the Big Frieze and discussed the good news we already know that Jesus delivered.  In ICT we looked at instructions and programmed the Beebots to move using a set of instructions we created, and in PE we started our Athletics sessions.

Our Star of the Week is Marin, who has come back after half term with so much confidence with speaking in English.  He is working very hard and has such a positive attitude.  Well done Marin!

A quick reminder that our PE sessions are a Monday and Thursday; our spelling test day is a Monday; and we change reading books every Friday.  Finally, can all children have their reading books and diary in school every day.  Thank you.