Caradoc’s Week

Welcome back to school, it has been wonderful seeing all the children and we are proud of how quickly they’ve settled back into working hard in class. This week we have been learning all about subtraction in Maths, as well as discovering facts about owls in English.  In PSHE we have acted out different positive scenarios for how to deal with bullying and in RE we have been looking at Diwali, the Festival of Light.  In Science we compared and contrasted hot and cold habitats, and in History we looked at fireworks and bonfires, using the past tense to describe them.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Sapphire, who is always a kind and caring friend, but she has particularly wowed us with using because in her Writing.

Also well done to Seraya who was our Values Champion for last half term as she always shows hope and brings hope to us all.

All children left school on Friday with two new RWI phonics reading books as well as a reading for pleasure book of their own choice.  Please do listen to your children read five times a week, it is brilliant to see how many of you are and how well the children are progressing.