Caradoc’s week

The children have been showing off what they know this week during our assessments, these have taken up most of the week.  However we have fitted in some fun in our foundation subjects! In PE the children have continued with their Dance unit, this time devising dance moves to The Three Little Pigs. In RE we made Greggers and joined Lawley class for a Purim celebration. In DT we folded paper and used masking tape to make freestanding structures. In History we continued our learning on Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, and in Science we compared two different micro habitats.  In Computing we looked at what makes a good photo, and in PSHE we made anti bullying posters.  On Friday we got the Chromebooks out to set up our Numbot accounts, the login details will be put into every child’s reading diary next week so Numbots can also be accessed at home. We also had a visit from our Elf and worked together to our our class Christmas tree up.