Caradoc’s week

This week in Caradoc we have been building up our skills in English in preparation to write a diary entry based on our book character and during the Blitz.  We have planned these as well as considered what it was like during the Blitz, using our senses.  In Maths we have been looking at doubles, halves and odd and even numbers, as well as starting our measurement unit by looking at measuring in centimetres.  In RE we considered what we think Heaven looks like and in Music we used the glockenspiels to play along to our song, Zootime.  In Computing we gathered information to create a pictogram based on our favourite colours, focusing on making tally charts, and in Science we focused on what animals and humans need to survive – air, food, water and shelter.  In PE we continued with our Mindfulness Stretching story and in History we looked further into Neil Armstrong’s mission to the Moon on Apollo 11 with Buzz Aldrin.  In PSHE we continued looking at watching age appropriate films, programs and games, as well as how to keep safe by looking at warning symbols on products, and in DT we have made our wheel and axis buggies, working together in a team to build these.

Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Olivia P.  Olivia has recently joined our comprehension group and has fitted in beautifully and working very hard.

Reminder – We have parents evening on Tuesday, 9th and Thursday, 11th April.  Please contact me via Class Dojo to arrange an appointment.