Caradoc’s week

Welcome back to the start of our Summer term.  The children have all settled in well and have been working hard.  In English we have made predictions on our new book, The Last Wolf, and carried out research on extinct animals. In Maths we have been learning the 5 and 10 times tables as well as dividing by 5 and 10. In PSHE we learnt about our body names and how male and females are different. In Science we focused on healthy food and the five food groups, and in Geography we have started off our London unit by identifying where our capital city is located. In computing we looked at giving instructions, practising these skills through drawing pictures and moving our partners.

Well done to our star of the week, Isla, who has shown so much majority over the last term and has been a kind, caring friend. Thank you to everyone who joined me for parents evening this week, it was lovely sharing everyone’s achievements.

Reading books have been sent home today so please remember to share these books at home as this is our homework.