Caradoc’s week

In Caradoc this week we have been learning about adding er and est onto words in English and how to use apostrophes for contracted forms. In Maths we have been measuring mass with grams and kilograms.  In RE we learnt about the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon Him), and in Geography we focused on the key landmarks in London.  In Science we looked at the benefits of keeping healthy as well as over and under eating, and in PE we focused on balancing on different parts of our bodies in Fitness.  In Computing we used different direction algorithms to move ourselves, and in PSHE we discussed keeping healthy, tying in nicely with our Science lessons. In Art we drew still life drawings of different feathers.

On Wednesday we had a visit from Booka, where we were shown a range of books and were read a story.  Order forms and book lists were sent home if you wish to order any via school.

Well done to our star of the week, Layla, who has been working hard on her phonics and reading.