Caradoc’s Week

What a brilliant first week we have had in Caradoc.  All the children have settled in well and have shown an eagerness to carry on their learning.  Mrs Morgan and I are very proud of them all, well done children!

During the week we have been focusing our lessons on a book called The Secret Sky Garden.  Our lessons have included looking at and exploring the outdoor space around school, thinking about the negative impact of littering, and considering the feelings of a character based on the colours used in the illustrations.  We have also spent an afternoon in Forest School, where the children completed a sketch of their favourite area, followed by using oil pastels the next day to bring colour to their picture.  In Maths we have started our unit of Place Value, with the children becoming confident with numbers up to 50 forwards and backwards.  We have also used a range of mathematical equipment to develop our understanding of tens and ones to 20, then up to 50.  In PE we have started our circuit training unit, with the children completing various activities in their groups, such as bunny hops, stepping on and off the bench and star jumping.

We are looking forward to continuing our work on The Secret Sky Garden next week.