Caradoc’s Week

We have had another great week in Caradoc, with the children working extremely hard independently and in groups.  In English and our afternoon lessons we have continued with our work on The Secret Sky Garden, with the children designing their own projects for a green space area, considering the benefits to themselves, the community and the planet, as well as thinking about the wildlife they would like to see in their project.  In Maths we have been looking at numbers to 100 and comparing numbers using the symbols for greater than, less than and equal to.  We also looked at a range of flowers, seeds and bulbs, comparing them and looking at the similarities and differences.  We then looked at a mint plant, and some children were keen to try a mint leaf, although not everyone enjoyed it!  We then completed the week by planting some bulbs to allow us to watch them grow over time, learning about how to look after them and let them thrive.

Children were given reading books on Friday for them to read with you at home.  Once again, I am sorry there are no reading diaries at the moment, we are still waiting for them to be delivered.

Finally, we had our first Star of The Week celebration on Friday, unfortunately our Star of the Week in Caradoc was not in school, so this will be shared next week.

Thank you for your support and see you on Monday morning ready for a new week.