Caradoc’s Week!

We have had a fun, busy week in Caradoc! In Maths we have been learning about tens and ones and writing in numerals and number words. In English we have been looking at old photographs of Oswestry and describing them, as well as looking at a WAGOLL of a non fiction description and creating a success criteria. In Science we started our Animals including humans unit by looking at offspring.  The children enjoyed matching the baby animal with its parents, then concentrating on the lifecycle of a frog. In Topic we started our Street Detectives unit by looking at old and new maps of Oswestry.  The children compared them, looked at the different things they could see and discussed how Oswestry has grown over time.  We then looked on Google Earth, concentrating on Oswestry, in particular the school! In RE we looked at the Creation big frieze by working in groups to discuss the big frieze picture and all the wonderful things on Earth.

We had fun on Thursday morning by joining in with our school MacMillan cake sale.  We all enjoyed buying a cake and comparing our chocolaty smiles!  Finally, well done to Allan who was voted our class school council member.  The children in class who wanted to run for school council, completed a manifesto that was shared in class.  We then discussed democracy and carried out a fair vote.  We had a draw with three children so another vote was conducted, with Allan receiving the most votes and winning.  Well done Allan!

Children have now been issued with spellings, these are based on the phonic sounds and words they have been learning over the week.  We will be having our spelling test on a Friday morning.