Caradoc’s Week

In Caradoc this week the children have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s, using our number songs to support their counting and remembering.  In English, we have completed our hot task of writing a non-fiction description based on old photographs of Oswestry.  The children worked hard to remember to use full stops, capital letters, their phonics, neat handwriting and adjectives.  In RE we looked at the story of creation, with the children creating their own story boards based on this.  In ICT we have been creating a set of instructions (algorithms) to create a coding program, with our focus this week being on using a timer to make a magician’s rabbit disappear.  On Thursday we enjoyed our Harvest Festival Service, with Caradoc singing beautifully.  We were very proud of all the children.

Reading diaries finally arrived and all children were issued with these on Friday.  Please do take the time to record your child’s reading at home.  We check these every week and dojo points are awarded for reading at home.  Please can children bring their diaries and reading books to school every day, as we will be listening to readers regularly.

Finally, congratulations to our Star of the Week, Ariarna, who has settled into our school and class beautifully, working hard and making great friendship groups.  Well done Ariarna.