Our Spring Term so far

Good afternoon Caradoc!

I apologise for the limited posts lately, we have just been so busy with our learning!  The children have all been working incredibly hard and we have been having a big focus on handwriting and using our phonics when writing.

In English, the children built up their skills to write their own adventure story based on The Dragon Machine.  In Maths we have been looking at money, multiplication and division.  In Science, we have been looking at a range of different materials, their properties and their uses, and in Geography we have focused on the weather, learning about the equator and observing the weather patterns around the world based on countries and their distance from the equator.  In Art we have been learning about Kandinsky and completing continuous line drawings and in PE we have been learning a variety of gymnastics moves.  In RE we have looked at the good news Christians believe Jesus brings, focusing on peace, forgiveness and joy.  In Computing we created music digitally using different programs, shapes and sounds.

A huge congratulations to our Stars of the Week over the Spring Term so far!

Lola for her hard work in Maths.

Lilo for his amazing work in English using his phonics and neat handwriting.

Simara for her super progress in phonics.

Wyatt for his fantastic independent writing.

Amelia for her excellent comprehension skills.