Our week in Caradoc


Another fun filled week in Caradoc! This week we have finished our Maths work focusing on Place Value, we will revisit this regularly in the weeks to come. Next week we will be starting our Addition and Subtraction unit of work. In English we have completed our Stone Age adventure stories, I can see a huge improvement in the children’s presentation and their spelling, both of which have been a focus since our return. I have been particularly impressed by the entries for our Space themed home learning competition – well done to all who have made an entry. We have created ‘ Stone Age’ jewellery this week as our Tribal Tales Marvellous Middle. Thank you to all those parents who have signed up to Dojo and that you enjoy finding out when your child has earned a ‘Class Dojo’. I hope you all have a lovely weekend- don’t forget to log on to our online learning (Mathletics, Bug Club & TTRockstars). Thanks again for your continued support!


10 more/less

Soil detectives


Making Stone Age jewellery