Our week in Caradoc

Another busy week in Caradoc! The days are getting shorter and the weather colder as the weeks fly by! This week the children have been making ‘potions’ observing reactions between different ingredients. Our writing has been focused on instruction writing’ should you ever want instructions for a magical potion! In Maths we have continued to develop our skills in addition and subtraction and starting to use more formal written methods. The children have now finished ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ which they have thoroughly enjoyed. They are looking forward to our Roald Dahl author study.

Weekly spellings are under the spelling tab, although some children will be bringing addition spellings home to practise. TTRockstars is a great online resource for improving times tables and the children really enjoy using it.
Don’t forget that additional reading books and activities are available on Bug Club.
Have a great weekend, stay safe and thank you again for all of your support.