Home Learning: Thursday, 21st October

Good morning Caradoc!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today:

Phonics and Reading 

To start with I would like you to join in with two of my virtual phonics sessions.  You will find these on our school website, here is the link:

Virtual Phonics | Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery (holytrinitycepa.co.uk)

Next, I would like you to read you Phonics Book Bag Book and your Reading for Challenge Book.  Don’t forget to record this in your reading diary.


I would like you to start our English session by looking at a different page of your Reading for Pleasure book.  Look at the picture and describe what you see.  Remember to use adjectives, full stops, capital letters, neat writing and use your phonics for spellings.

Now, I would like you to think back to yesterday and your favourite nursery rhyme.  Today I would like you to perform this, thinking about the different voices you need to use to make the audience understand feelings throughout your nursery rhyme.  Also, think of some actions you could use to make your nursery rhyme come alive.


To start with, please write down numbers from 0 – 100 by counting in tens, then back to 0 in tens.  Time yourself and see how quickly you can do this.  Here is our number song to help you:

Today we are going to focus on comparing number sentences.  To help you with this, watch the video below: 

Aut2.5.3 – Compare number sentences from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now, complete the worksheet based on your learning on comparing number sentences.

Compare sentences


In our final RE lesson of this half term we are going to think about the Christian’s Creation story.  We have listened to this and created our own story boards, but today I would like you to act this out.  Think about each of the seven days and show what Christian’s believe God created on each day.  Think of at least one sentence to explain each day.

Let’s end the day by sharing your Reading for Pleasure book.

Have a good day and stay safe.  Enjoy your half term and see you all on Monday, 1st November.

Home Learning: Wednesday, 20th October

Good morning Caradoc!

I hope you are well.  Thank you to those children who sent in work to me yesterday, it is great to see you working so hard.

Phonics and Reading 

To start with I would like you to join in with two of my virtual phonics sessions.  You will find these on our school website, here is the link:

Virtual Phonics | Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery (holytrinitycepa.co.uk)

Next, I would like you to read you Phonics Book Bag Book and your Reading for Challenge Book.  Don’t forget to record this in your reading diary.


I would like you to start our English session by looking at one page of your Reading for Pleasure book.  Look at the picture and describe what you see.  Remember to use adjectives, full stops, capital letters, neat writing and use your phonics for spellings.

Now, I would like you to think back to yesterday and your favourite nursery rhyme.  Today I would like you to read over it and find the rhyming words.  Circle these to show you have found them.  Next, can you think of any other rhyming words you could use?  Put these into sentences just like we did in class last week. 

For example: The cat was sat on top of the mat.


To start with, please write down all numbers from 0 to 100.  Time yourself and see how quickly you can do this.  Here is our number song to help you:

Today we are going to focus on checking calculations.  To help you with this, watch the video below:

Aut2.5.2 – Check Calculations from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now, complete the worksheet based on your learning on checking calculations.

Check Calculations


In Topic today we are looking at the history of our school.  If possible, I would like you to use Kiddl.com to research facts about our school in the past and present.  Then, create a fact file based on your findings – you can present this in any way you choose.  If you are unable to access the internet, I would like you to describe our school as you know it now, in the present. 

Finally, I would like you to write three questions you would like to ask someone who used to go to our school in the past.

Let’s end the day by sharing your Reading for Pleasure book.  Have a good day and stay safe.

Home Learning: Tuesday, 19th October

Good morning Caradoc!

For the children who are at home this week, I will be posting activities for them to complete in line with what we are doing in class.  You can upload any work and send it me through class dojo.  If you need any help, please do let me know and I will reply as soon as possible.

Phonics and Reading 

To start with I would like you to join in with two of my virtual phonics sessions.  You will find these on our school website, here is the link:

Virtual Phonics | Holy Trinity CE Primary Academy and Nursery (holytrinitycepa.co.uk)

Next, I would like you to read you Phonics Book Bag Book and your Reading for Challenge Book.  Don’t forget to record this in your reading diary.


I would like you to start our English session by looking out of a window.  In sentences, describe what you can see.  Remember to use adjectives, full stops, capital letters, neat writing and use your phonics for spellings.

Now, I would like you to think of your favourite nursery rhyme.  Can you listen to it on You Tube or sing it?  Next, please write down why this is your favourite nursery rhyme, what do you like about it?  How does it make you feel?  Is it a fast or slow nursery rhyme?  How do you know about this nursery rhyme?


To start with, please write down all numbers from 0 to 50.  Time yourself and see how quickly you can do this.

Today we are going to focus on number bonds to 10 and twenty.  Start by joining in with our songs:

Now, please draw part, part whole models (like we have used in class) to draw all number bonds to 10 and then 20.  This is to help us be really secure with these.


For Science today, we are looking at how babies resemble their parents. To start with can you find a picture of you as a baby and compare it to what your parents look like.  Now, write down the similarities and differences.

Next, think about a kitten and a cat, record their similarities and differences.

Finally, choose one more animal and record how the baby is similar and different to their parent.

Let’s end the day by sharing your Reading for Pleasure book.  Have a good day and stay safe.



Caradoc’s Weekly Homework

  • Children are expected to read daily at home, with a record being logged in their reading diary.
  • Every Monday, children are given a new set of spellings.  These are to be practised daily ready for the following Monday when a short spelling test takes place.
  • Children have a Mathletics login code which will be put in the front of their reading diary.  I regularly set new activities which relate to what we have been learning in our daily maths lessons. Mathletics Sign In
  • Children have a Purple Mash login code which will be put in the front of their reading diary.  I regularly set new activities which relate to what we have been learning in our weekly ICT lessons. Purple Mash by 2Simple

Home Learning

Maths week commencing 28th June

We have been focusing on fractions this week in class, you can access the teaching videos for each lesson below:

Spr3.11.1 – Find a third from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Spr3.11.2 – Unit fractions from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Our English work this week has focused on diary writing, you can access online the online lesson to support this by following the link below:



We have been looking at the ‘Big Frieze’ by Emma Yarlett over the past few week. In school this week we are planning and making a section of the frieze to be displayed in school. In Caradoc we are focusing on ‘The Fall’. See the images below. You could create your own section of the frieze using the materials you have at home.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me via Dojo.

Our new topic- Urban Pioneers

Our next topic after half term is called ‘Urban Pioneers’. As geographers we will be exploring our local town and finding out about other towns and cities in the United Kingdom. We will be finding out about ‘Urban Art’ and creating our own ‘Urban’ style art. Our class text is called ‘Welcome to Silver Street farm’ by Nicola Davies. You can watch a short video of Nicola talking about her books  below:


Helping your child prepare for the topic

Take a trip into Oswestry town, make sketches or take photographs of interesting places and buildings to create a scrapbook. You could begin to research urban artists and add any images to your scrap book.

Our curriculum overview is below:

urban pioneers overview

urban pioneers overview

Gods and Mortals

I am getting very excited about beginning our new topic ‘Gods and Mortals’  when we are all able to return after the Easter break. Here is another video you might like to watch!


Caradoc Home Learning 1st April

Good morning Caradoc! Well, it is the 1st April today- sometimes known as April Fool’s day when people play practical jokes. I thought I would give you a ‘funny’ picture to start your day!

I would like you to write up the final version of your story today in your best handwriting. Make sure that your ascenders and descenders are clear. I will give out Dojo points for effort with presentation!

Here is a piece of text (linked to our whole school story ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’). Read it carefully. Can you answer the questions?

I will set your new spellings under the spelling tab and set a quiz as a ‘do’ on Purple Mash


I would like you to log onto TT Rockstars and continue practising your times tables.

Easter Story


Caradoc Home Learning 31st March

Good morning, I hope that you are all well and enjoyed some of the sunny weather yesterday. Did you visit the virtual library or take part in a virtual Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone? Let me know on Class Dojo.

I would like you to complete our Multiplication and Division ‘Hot task’ today. Try to do this independently and ask an adult to share how you got on with me on ClassDojo.



I have been VERY impressed with your story writing, well done everyone!

These word mats may help you:



Easter Story

Watch this video:


Caradoc Home Learning 30th March

Good morning Caradoc, I hope that you are all well and enjoying your home learning tasks.

Don’t forget you can join in with one of Mrs Thompstones virtual phonics sessions or listen to a story in our virtual library by following the links on the Reading page of our school website.



I have set work for two groups again as we have been working in class:

Group 1 watch this teaching video:


Here are the Group 1 slides to follow:

tues maths group 1

Group 2, follow these slides:

tues maths group 2



Use your 5 part story plan to help you to write your story in clear paragraphs. Below are examples of a WAGOLL for each section:


We are continuing our work on the Easter story.