English Home Learning 29th June

Good morning!

I have set new spellings and a quiz under the spelling tab.

This week all of our English activities are based on the story ‘The Tiger who came to tea’ by Judith Kerr. Do you know of any other stories written by this author?

Listen to the story:

What is your favourite part of the story and why?

I would like you to imagine that you are Jeniffer, how would you feel if a tiger turned up at your house and started eating all of your food?

Collect feeling words to describe how you might feel. Now write a letter to a friend describing what happened when the tiger turned up. Make sure you describe how you felt.

English Home Learning 26th June

Good morning!

I hope that you have been able to watch the RWI phonics sessions on You Tube? I will set new spellings under the spelling tab, try to check you spellings using the dictated sentences.

I hope you enjoyed listening to the story ‘Owl Babies’. Today I would like you to think about how the owlets might have felt when their mother left.

How did the Owl Babies feel when their mother went out

Think about what they might have said to each other.

You can download a speech bubble activity below:

Owl Babies speech bubbles

You could collect words to describe the sounds they might have heard. How do you think this would make them feel?

owl babies can hear….


Could you write a letter to the owlets to reassure them that they have no reason to be worried and why.



Maths Home Learning 24th June

Good morning!

Over the next two days we are going to recap adding and subtracting tens. At school we use equipment like Diennes to help us. You may like to find something at home which you could use to represent tens and ones like straws and buttons.


Use the 100 square if you need to to complete this.

You can download  the activities here:



English Home Learning 24th June

Good morning!

Try to tune into the daily phonics sessions at 9.30 everyday on You Tube:


I hope that you have all been practising your spellings and letter formation. Don’t forget to look at the quiz on Purple Mash.

Today we are going to focus on reading comprehensive linked to our Science work on plants.

Read the following text about flowering plants carefully. There is a set of questions you can download at the bottom of the page.

Finally, sit back and enjoy this story about plants!


English Home Learning 23rd June

Good morning!

Today we are going to continue practising using suffixes. We will focus on the suffix -est.

First, sit back and enjoy the story of the Smartest Giant in Town. How many words with the -est suffix did you notice?

Which is the correct spelling?

Can you write a sentence for each of these two words?

Complete this sentence.