Science Home Learning week starting 22nd June

Watch this video ‘shooting sprouts’ it shows seeds germinating.

Click on the link below to watch the video:

Encourage your children to talk about what they see happening. The root appears first from each seed, followed by a shoot and the first leaves.


Why not try to germinate some seeds from fruit or vegetables. You could collect a few seeds from some fruit such as a tomato or a melon and make a plant pot by recycling a carton, yoghurt pot or just some rolled-up paper. Make sure you keep any compost moist and that each pot is able to drain water away easily. Keep an eye on your unusual pots and see how long the seeds take to germinate. Remember to take photographs and send them to me if you can!

English Home learning 22nd June

Good morning!

We are going to focus on adjectives which compare. Watch this short video:

Adjectives are word which describe e.g. red, small, tall.

We are going to look at adding the suffix – er to an adjective e.g. tall-taller.



The suffix is the ending and the main word is called the root word or sometimes the base word.

Can you see the comparative adjectives in red?

Here are some activities for you to download to practise adding the suffix -er.

Finally, I hope that you enjoy listening to this story all about ‘Someone Bigger’!


Maths Home Learning 22nd June

Good morning!

There are now only 4 weeks left of the summer term so I would like you to spend some time practising your addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.

Today we are going to focus on knowing 10 more and 10 less.

Use the hundred square at the bottom of the page if you need to.

Cheeky Challenge:

Use the sentence start…I know that……..because……..

There are some sheets below which you can download, you could start with the activities labelled ‘D’ these are simpler. If you feel confident try the activities labelled ‘E’ or if you want to really push your self try those labelled ‘GD’



You could use the 100 square to help you.


Click on the link below to watch the teaching video:


English Home Learning 19th June

Good morning!

I hope that you have been practising your spellings this week, why not test your knowledge on the Purple Mash spelling quiz. Don’t forget your dictated sentences.

To finish off our work on rain forests this week, I would like you to imagine that you go on a trip to a rain forest. Watch this video, you might like to make some notes about the sort of this you might see whilst you are there:



Now, I would like you to write a postcard to someone at home telling them all about your trip. Think about what you have done, what you have seen and what you have learnt.

Here is a postcard template for you to use:


Next, design a picture for the front of your postcard. You may want to look back at some of the images which have been put on our class page this week.

Finally, well done to Allison for her super rain forest poster!

Maths Home Learning 19th June

Good morning!

Practise your number bonds by joining in with the ‘Number Bond Rock’!



It is Friday again and that means it is Friday Challenge time.


You could collect some objects from around the home to use. Think about how many beads Sal has altogether – count out this number or draw them. How many has she used? Write the number sentence and then complete the calculation.

You may use the 100 square to help you. Mark the multiples of 5 ( 5 times tables).


English Home learning 18th June

Good morning!

Click on the link below to play the ‘Little Bird’ game and practise the Year 2 tricky words.

I hope that you enjoyed creating your fact files about rainforest creatures yesterday. I would like you to imagine what it might be like to be in a rainforest.

What would the weather be like?

What might you hear?

What might you smell?

How would you feel?

Click on the link below to explore a real rainforest, uou can use the arrows to move around:

Can you write a short description of the rainforest, think about interesting adjectives to describe what it is like and use the verbs you collected on Tuesday to show how different plants and animals move.

You may want to use the sheet below to write your neat copy on:

Half Lined


Maths Home Learning 18th June

Good morning!

Why not practise your 5 times tables by joining in with posh Pooch? Click on the link below:

Can you find two numbers which have a difference of 4?

Today we are going to apply what you have learnt to some worded problems:


Jenny drank 2 litres of water every day. How many litres did she drink in 3 days?


Tom bought 1 litre of cola on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. How many litres did he buy altogether?


Capacity word problems LA

English Home Learning 17th June

Good morning!

How about practising your phonics by playing this interactive ‘Forest Phonics’ game. Click on the link below:

Today, I would like you to plan and write a fact file about something which might live in the rainforest. It could be one of the animals you thought about yesterday or you may want to choose something completely different.

Below is an example of a fact file about a tree frog. You can click on the link to open it:

Animal Fact Files

Choose which animal you would like to write about. Describe the animal’s appearance, habitat, diet and any other facts.

There is a template you could use if you want or you could design your own!


English Home Learning 16th June

Good morning!

I hope that you enjoyed the rainforest activities yesterday. Today I would like you to listen to the story ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ by Giles Andreae:


The tree frog, spider monkey and boa constrictor are just some of the
animals that can be found living in a rainforest.

Here is a short video to help you think about how a tree frog moves.


Can you list verbs (action
words) to describe how each animal moves. How many can you think of?

Now put these into full sentences. Here is an example:

The cheeky spider monkey swings through the trees.

How many animals can you think of? Can you collect words to describe how each animal moves (verbs)

Maths Home Learning 16th June

Good morning!

Read these numbers out loud. Think about how many tens and how many ones are in each number. Which numbers have 2 tens?

Click on the link below to play the interactive game ‘Capacity Countdown’:

Remember to use the sentence stem:

The container’s capacity is………ml

Can you read the scale on these worksheets:



Cheeky Challenge: