Earn a Blue Peter Badge – competition for all!

‘What BP badge should you earn?

If you’re itching to get your hands on a Blue Peter badge, but don’t know where to start, this is the quiz for you! This quiz uses top of the range technology to decipher what BP badge is perfect for you.’


Click on the start at the top of the page and this will help you choose a badge to apply for.


To apply visit the Blue Peter link below and apply through their page.


There are eight badges you can earn…

Blue badge

Blue badges are awarded for sending in interesting letters, stories, pictures, poems, good ideas for the programme, and for having appeared on Blue Peter.

Once you’ve got a Blue badge you can apply for a Silver badge.

Green badge

Green badges are awarded for sending in letters, pictures and makes that are about the environment, conservation or nature.


Silver badge

Silver badges are awarded to Blue badge holders who go on to make an extra effort. For example, if you won a Blue badge for an interesting letter or email, you could win a Silver badge by sending us something different such as a make, picture or a poem.

Fan Club badge

Purple Fan Club badges are awarded for joining the Blue Peter fan club and answering some questions about the show and the website.

Music badge

The Music badge is a very special badge, designed by superstar Ed Sheeran. It’s awarded to those who show off their passion for music by learning a new instrument or being part of a musical performance.

Sport badge

The Sport badge is awarded for getting active and trying a sport or physical activity that you have never tried before. Each year a new limited edition badge is released that is only available during the summer. This means you can collect a new Sport badge every single year!

Applications for 2020 are open now and will close in late September 2020. Due to current circumstances, earning your Sport badge is a little different this year, so remember to read all the instructions.

Orange badge

Orange badges are given to winners and runners up of Blue Peter competitions. To have a chance of winning one of these badges you have to enter a Blue Peter competition, which only run during certain times in the year. For more information on competitions and whether a competition is open or not visit the  competition page.

Gold badge

Gold badges are very rare indeed. Each year only a few are awarded in exceptional circumstances for outstanding achievements, for example being solely responsible for saving someone’s life, or showing amazing and unique bravery, courage and citizenship. (You must already have at least one of the other badges).

On very rare occasions, extraordinary adults can also be awarded a Gold Blue Peter badge. Recipients are high profile personalities who are considered to be role models, inspiring the nation’s children.


Watch Blue Peter live on Thursdays at 5:30pm on CBBC and iPlayer and join the Blue Peter Fan Club Live Chat every Thursday 5:30 – 6:30pm.




English home learning 8th June

Good morning!

I hope that you all enjoyed the weekend. There are new spellings and dictated sentences under the spelling tab along with a quiz on Purple Mash.

Here is a short video to help with your spellings this week:



This week we are going to focus on poetry based on our Bubble theme


I have set a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash called ‘Light Words’. you have to think of as many alternative words (synonyms) as you can.

This week we’re going to look at special sorts of poems, called ‘Shape poems’.

Can you guess why they might be called Shape poems?

By the end of this work you will be able to

  • use exciting, describing words (adjectives, verbs and adverbs)

  • to write your very own poem.

Today I would like you to read and think about a range of different ‘Bubble’ poems:

This poem is called Bubbles by Cathy Cronin, Art by Robin Boyer

A magic wand and secret potion … Dip it gently in slow motion … Take a breath and softly blow; Chase the bubbles high and low!




Here’s a bubble. There’s a bubble.

Tiny or huge, round, transparent spheres,

Watch them flying high, gathering speed on the wind.

See them floating gently, drifting silently down,

down to the ground  and P O P !

Choose one of these poems to write a poetry review, you could use this template or write your review straight into your work book.





Topic Home Learning week beginning 8th June

In this video Barnaby Bear visits the seaside. Have you ever been to the seaside? What did you do there?



I would like you to think about the features of a coastline which are natural and man made. Here is the key vocabulary you will need:

Now look at these images of a seaside. Which parts are natural and which are man-made?

Using the word bank, can you label the seaside are?

You could print these sheets or create your own labelled drawing.

Differentiated Features of the Seaside Activity Sheet

English Home Learning

Good morning!

A quick reminder that you have lots of books and reading activities you can access on Bug Club.

The link is below:


Our school code is wcpy. If anyone is struggling to log in please email: caradoc@holytrinitycepa.co.uk

New spellings will be set under the spelling tab today.

Today our English work will be a reading comprehension. It is a non-fiction text called ‘All about Beaches’ and links to our new topic ‘Coastlines’.


Don’t worry if you can’t print this text, you could open it and read it on the screen and write the answers in full sentences in your workbook.

For those of you who have finished your Bubbles story, you could go back and try to make it even better!

Check the spellings carefully using your Common exception word list.

Check your punctuation. Does every sentence begin with a capital letter and end with either a full stop, question mark or explanation mark?

Are your descriptions interesting? Could you use ‘expanded noun phrases’ using two adjectives separated by a comma before the noun e.g.

The tiny, yellow shells glistened on the sand.

Maths Home Learning 5th June

Good morning!

Today we are going to finish learning about position and direction. As a quick recap of what you have already learnt, join in with Hip Hop Granny’s position and direction rap!

Click on the link below:


Here are the words in case you want to join in!



There is an animated video below to remind you about the language we use to describe position and direction:

Click the link here:



Finally to complete our unit how about a bit of ‘Where’s Wally Fun’?You need to help Wally find the items he has lost by using the language of position and direction to give instructions and move him.

The game sheet is here but don’t worry if you can’t print- you could draw your own in your work book or even take some chalk if you have an outside space and draw it there.

I would love to see some photographs of your work!

Maths Home Learning 9th June

Good morning!

Practise the days of the week by joining in with the ‘Days of the week’ rap!

Today we will focus on measuring mass in grams (g).

The teddy weighs 20g. The weights are 5g each ( 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =20g) and the scales are balanced.

Can you say how many grams these objects weigh?

You may have seen scales like this in your kitchen at home or in the cookery room at school. You need to read the scale. Can you see the mass of the cookie in grams is 20g. What is the mass of the toy in grams?

The scales are marked in intervals of 10.

Reasoning Cheeky Challenge:

Use the stem sentence: The……bean bag is heavier. I know this because………

Now for the fun bit! If you are able to, practise using scales to measure grams and make some delicious biscuits!

Here is the recipe:


  • 250g butter softened
  • 140g caster sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 300g plain flour


  1. Mix 250g softened butter and 140g caster sugar in a large bowl with a wooden spoon, then add 1 egg yolk and 2 tsp vanilla extract and briefly beat to combine.
  2. Sift over 300g plain flour and stir until the mixture is well combined – you might need to get your hands in at the end to give everything a really good mix and press the dough together.
  3. Roll out the dough and cut using a cookie cutter.

4.Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

I would love to see some photographs!

Maths Home Learning 12th June

Good morning!

Join in with this fun song to warm up your brain and recap recording tally charts:


We are going to move onto capacity and volume. Let’s start by looking at this picture, can you label the bottles using the word bank?



We measure capacity in Litres (l) and Millilitres (ml).

There are 1000 ml in one l.

How many containers can you find in your home that you could use to measure capacity?

Reasoning Cheeky Challenge:

English Home Learning 4th June


Good morning!

I hope that you have been practising your spellings and your letter formation.

I would like you to plan a story based on the Bubbles animation you have bee watching, you can watch it again below:


I have added a story mountain plan template which you may like to use to plan your story or you could create your own. You could print this or draw your own in your workbook.

Think carefully about the setting for the story, how could you describe it?

Story mountain plan -middle ability

You could use Story maker to record your story, I have set it as a 2do on Purple Mash.


Maths Home Learning 4th June

Good morning!

Warm up by practising counting in 10s. Think about our counting stick:


You could use the 100 square if you need to:


Ask someone at home to challenge  you by asking questions like:

What is 10 more  than 45

What is 10 less than 32

or if you are feeling really confident-

What is 20 more than 67


Cheeky Challenge:



Topic Home Learning week 1 Summer term

Our new topic is all about beaches and coastlines.

Have you ever been to the seaside? Who did you go with? What did you do there?

The United Kingdom  where we live is made up of many islands and  has a vast and expansive coastline. Have a look at the map and read the the names and locations of the bodies of water that surround the UK.

You can print this map here:



See if you can label this map of the UK, there is a printable sheet but if you can’t you could learn the names. Ask someone you live with to test you!