Home Learning Thursday 7th January

Maths Home Learning

Practise your times tables by logging into TTRockstars. Remember if you have a difficulty logging in ask an adult to let my know on ClassDojo or class email.

Today we are focusing on using the multiplication symbol. Watch this teaching video. The accompanying teaching slides and worksheet can be downloaded below. Don’t forget to request paper copies if you need them.


Aut3.9.2-Multiplication-using-the-symbol (1) Y2-Autumn-Block-4-WO4-Multiplication-sentences-using-the-x-symbol-2019

English Home Learning

Look again at the image of ‘Dylan’. Can you use your senses to describe what it is like
to be in a storm? Think about what you might see, hear, smell or feel. Write a short paragraph to describe being in a storm.

Art Home Learning

Why not have a go at drawing your favourite rainforest animal. Watch this online tutorial:

Don’t forget to share your work on ClassDojo!

Home Learning Wednesday 6th January 2020

I hope that you are all well. I have prepared some home learning tasks for you to complete. Ask a grown up to help you to share your work on ClassDojo or by emailing our class email: caradoc@holytrinitycepa.co.uk

English Home Learning

Don’t forget you can access Bug Club reading books online:


You can also complete any accelerated reader tests online from home. Read, Write, Inc. Phonics sessions are available on You Tube every day, the schedule is available under Class News.

Look carefully at the picture below. This is Dylan.

Question time!

What kind of animal can you see in the photograph?

How is the animal similar/different to a human?

Who are Dylan’s companions, and where have they gone?

Why does Dylan like it when it rains?

What do you think it’s like to live in the rainforest?

How is the weather in a rainforest different to where you live?

How old do you think Dylan is?

Write your answers in full sentences, forming all of your letters carefully.

Perfect picture!

Now can  you draw a picture of the worst kind of weather imaginable?

Maths Home Learning

Practise your times tables skills on TTRockstars, as an adult to contact your teacher if you have any problems logging in.

This week we are starting our unit on multiplication and division. Before we start, recap what we have already covered on the ‘Flashback Four’.

Watch this teaching video:

Now download these teaching slides and follow the instructions

step 1 equal groups

Here is a worksheet to complete alongside the teaching slides


Cheeky Challenge:

step 1 true or false



Use this website or information books you may have at home to research facts about the rainforest and animals which live there.


Read, Write, Inc. Phonics sessions

Daily Read, Write, Inc. phonics session films will be available at 9.30am from Monday to Friday.

Each film is approximately ten to fifteen minutes long and will be available on
YouTube for 24 hours during school closure.

Daily films:
• Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time and Spelling: for children in Reception
and children who are new to English.

• Set 2 Speed Sounds and Spelling: for children in Year 1 and 2 (and those in
Reception that can read Set 1 Speed Sounds.)

• Set 3 Speed Sounds and Spelling: for children in Year 1 and 2 that can read
Set 2 Speed Sounds.

• Read longer words: for children who can read Set 3 sounds and words

• Read Red Words 1: for children who are reading Red, Green, Purple, Pink
and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these
in Year 1.

• Read Red Words 2: for children who are reading Yellow, Blue and Grey
Read Write Inc. Storybooks. Many children are able to read these in Y2.

• Read and Hold a Sentence 1: reading and writing practice for children
reading Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For
children reading and writing with Set 1 sounds confidently and learning Set 2

• Read and Hold a Sentence 2: reading and writing practice for children
reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. (For children
reading and writing words with Set 2 sounds confidently and learning Set 3

All films will be in separate categories on the YouTube channel.

The schedule can be downloaded here:

ruth miskin schedule

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact your class teacher via classdojo.

English Home Learning

This week is Arts week! We are focusing on the Artist Wassily Kandinsky and will be writing an artist biography and creating artwork in the style of Kandinsky.


Research the artist Kandinsky and make some notes. You will use these to help to write a biography later in the week. You could use this website:

Kandinsky for kids: Making children comfortable with abstract art (eduart4kids.com)


Read this information sheet about the artist and answer the questions below.

Reading Comprehension MA


Can you add to the notes you made about Kandinsky? Now start to plan your biography by organising your ideas into sections. Think of the sub-headings you might use e.g.

Where did he live?

What was his early life like?

What sort of art work did he produce?

Interesting facts


You are ready to write your biography of Wassily Kandinsky. Think carefully about how you will set out your work. If you have managed to create some art in the style of Kandinsky as part of you Art home learning you could add this to your biography.


Spellings and a quiz are under the Spelling tab.

Maths Home Learning week beginning 30th November

Our focus this week is adding and subtracting 100s and recognising at patterns when we are adding and subtracting.

Monday & Tuesday

Watch this teaching video:


Here are the questions linked to the teaching video:


Wednesday & Thursday

Watch this teaching video:

Now try these questions:




Friday is our timetables challenge day. Log onto TTRockStars to practise your times tables.

Maths Home Learning week beginning 23rd November


We are working on addition and subtraction. Below are the daily activities:


Monday and Tuesday

Watch the teaching video below and complete the attached worksheet:


Wednesday and Thursday

Watch the teaching video below and complete the attached worksheet:




Friday is times table challenge day! Please log onto TTRockstars and complete the tables set.

English Home Learning week beginning 23rd Novemeber


Click on the link below to access a grammar lesson focusing on compound sentences:


Tuesday and Wednesday

In our class text ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’, George concocts a strange potion which his Grandma drinks!

Think about what you would put into a potion.

Write a set of instructions for a potion. Remember to include a title and  an equipment list. Each step needs to be on a new line and start with a ‘Bossy’ verb.

Write down ‘Bossy’ verbs you might use e.g. Put, Shake, Tip, Sprinkle


Now use these to write your own instructions. You could add a picture of the finished potion!


Read these extracts from the book and answer the questions:

comp george


Friday is spelling day! I have set a Quiz as a 2do on Purple Mash. You could also practise writing your spelling words in a full sentence. Remember to form all of your letters carefully!


Home Learning English week beginning 16th November

We are still focusing on our class text George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. You can access a cop[y of the book below:




Read Chapter 1 Grandma, and Chapter 2 The Marvellous Plan. We meet the 2 main characters in the story – George and his Grandma. Complete the sheet below to make notes about what we know so far, and then also make a prediction about what might happen.



Read Chapter 3 George Begins to Make the Medicine, and Ghapter 4 Animal Pills.

Look at this sentence: Although George was a small boy, he had big ideas.

This is a complex sentence because there are 2 ideas in this one sentence – George is small, he has big ideas.

The word ‘although’ is a conjunction and joins the 2 parts of the sentence together.

Complete the conjunctions sheet below.



Today we are going to focus on prefixes. A prefix is a string of letters that goes at the beginning of another word to change its meaning, so for example, if you put un at the beginning of tidy it becomes untidy.

Have a look at the attached sheet. The red letters at the top are prefixes and need to be matched up to the words below. Match them up in a list and then put at least one new word with each prefix in a sentence.

Challenge: use the same prefixes but add them to some other words. Put each new word you make in a sentence too to show that you know what it means. Which prefix makes the longest list?

prefixes (1)



Read Chapter 5 The Cook Up and Chapter 6 The Brown Paint.  It’s more conjunctions today, you’re going to be an expert!

Use the sentence starts and conjunctions on the sheet to write some new complex sentences.




Practise this week’s spellings which are under the Spelling tab. Can you find a definition of each word? Can you use each word in a sentence? There is a quiz set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash