Home Learning Maths Week beginning 16th November


Our current unit is addition and subtraction.


Watch the teaching video focusing on subtracting a 1 digit number from a 3 digit number:




Continue practising skills in subtracting 1 digit number from 3 digit numbers using a numberline. Use this worksheet below:

Add-and-subtract-numbers-mentally-including-a-three-digit-number-and-ones- monday fluency


Today the teaching slide will focus on adding and subtracting 3-digit and 2-digit numbers – not crossing 100



Continue practising adding and subtracting 3 digit and 2 digit numbers. You can revisit the teaching video and access the work here:

Add-numbers-up-to-3-digits-using-a-formal-method (1)



Friday is our times tables challenge day. Please log on to TTRockstars to practise quick re-call of times tables facts. Remember you can practise different Maths skills on Mathletics. If you have any difficulties logging in to any of these don’t hesitate to send a message on Class Dojo.



English Home Learning Week Commencing 9th November

Our class text is ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. I hope that you have been able to either read a copy of the book or listen to it on You Tube: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=georges+marvellous+medicine&adlt=strict&view=detail&mid=BA8FEB9622F320F72938BA8FEB9622F320F72938&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dgeorges%2Bmarvellous%2Bmedicine%26FORM%3DHDRSC3


Here are some questions to ask your child about the story:

Questions to ask George:
How do you feel when you are left alone
with Grandma?
Why do you think Grandma is so grumpy all
the time?
Why do you think Grandma speaks to you
the way she does?
Why did you run into the kitchen and slam
the door?
If you could describe your Grandma in three
words, what would they be?

Questions to ask Grandma:
Why are you so grumpy all the time?
Why do you sit in that chair by the window?
Why do you say cruel things to George?
What is your medicine for?
If you could describe your grandson in three
words, what would they be?


Talk about the book with your child and discuss their answers. Encourage your child to write their answers in full sentences.


We have been learning about adjectives (describing words) in class. Look at these and circle the adjectives which could describe Grandma and underline the adjectives which could describe George:


Write a description of George. You could use some of the adjectives you sorted yesterday. Remember to start every sentence with a capital letter and a full stop.


Write a character description of Grandma, again you could use some of the adjectives you circled on Wednesday.


Complete the quiz on Purple Mash based on this weeks spellings (they are under the spelling tab)

National Poetry Day Competition


To celebrate National Poetry Day we are asking all of our children to enter a poem they have written into our poetry competition. 

The title is

“The Window of Worries”

or the

‘The Window of Well-being’

The children have started to think about this at school and we ask that you support your child to write their poem. There will be a prize for the winner  from each family group. we ask that all entries are returned by Friday 9th October, either to your child’s class teacher or to the class email address.

Good luck!

Friday 17th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all keeping well and safe.

Please complete your daily reading and why not write a book review to tell us about the book you have read, it’s great seeing what you have enjoyed or not enjoyed about a book.

Next, please take part in the daily Read Write Inc Set 2 or 3 phonics session which you will find on YouTube.

After this please have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 4 or 5 sounds.

Today is our last school day before the summer holiday. We are all so very proud of you and how everyone has managed throughout these strange times.  It is such a shame we can not share the last day together, but we are looking forward to the day when we can see you again and return to some normality.

We have all shared so many good times over the school year and I want you to think about your favourite memories and the things you have enjoyed over the time we were at school.

School Memory

Please complete the activity above and send it to myself or Miss Wright.  These memories are so valuable to us and something we treasure.

Thank you all so much, we hope you have a great summer.  Please stay safe and well, and we all look forward to seeing you soon.  Remember you are all brilliant and we miss you!

Mrs Thompstone, Miss Wright, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Phillips and Mrs Lewis.

Friday 17th July Awards Home Learning

Well done, we have got to the end of the school year.  Normally we would have issued award certificates and had class and whole school celebrations to mark the end of the year.  Today, I would like you to create your own awards certificate, use your imagination, be creative and make it special to you.  Then ask a member of your household to complete your certificate, writing on it why they are awarding you this certificate.  Finally, have a picture taken of you receiving your certificate, be proud of what you have achieved!

You all deserve a certificate for your efforts throughout the school year, especially during lockdown.  Well done everyone!  Please do send a picture so we can see why you have been awarded your certificate.

Here are some examples:

Thursday 16th July PE Home Learning

Today I would like you to plan your own Sports Day activity.  Think about what we have done in the past for Sports Day, what we have learnt in PE and the sports or activities you enjoy doing.

I would like you to draw a plan of the school field with at least 4 activities on there.  Next, you need to write a set of instructions for each activity so the reader knows how to complete the activity.

Finally, please design a winners medal, this is completely your own design however you must include the school badge somewhere on the medal.

Here are some examples:

Thursday 16th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all keeping well and safe.

Please complete your daily reading and why not write a book review to tell us about the book you have read, it’s great seeing what you have enjoyed or not enjoyed about a book.

Next, please take part in the daily Read Write Inc Set 2 or 3 phonics session which you will find on YouTube.

After this please have a game of Make a Match on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 3 sounds.

This week we are going to be focusing on Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

To start with, please listen to the story which is being read by one of the authors – Axel Scheffler. If you have the book at home, why not read alongside Axel!

Today I want you to create your own part to the story.  You are going to think of a new character for the Stick Man to meet on his journey, this could be an animal or a person.  I want you to draw a picture of the character you want to use and the setting where the Stick Man meets your character.  Next, please write about the character, describing what it is and what it is doing, followed by how the Stick Man meets it.  Finally, please write about how the Stick Man would feel meeting your character.

Remember when writing I expect you to use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics for spelling
  • finger spaces 
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky Challenge:  Why did you choose this character?

Wednesday 15th July Art Home Learning

Today we are going to use our drawing or painting skills.  I would like you to find a rock or pebble from your garden or on your walk.  Then you are going to decorate your rock either using paint or felt tip/marker pens.  Make them bright and colourful, you could use your favourite animal or book character, or one of the characters from Stick Man.  Have fun and be creative, and don’t forget to send in a photo.

Here are some examples:

Wednesday 15th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all keeping well and safe.

Please complete your daily reading and why not write a book review to tell us about the book you have read, it’s great seeing what you have enjoyed or not enjoyed about a book.

Next, please take part in the daily Read Write Inc Set 2 or 3 phonics session which you will find on YouTube.

After this please have a game of Dragon’s Den on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 4 sounds.

This week we are going to be focusing on Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

To start with, please listen to the story which is being read by one of the authors – Axel Scheffler. If you have the book at home, why not read alongside Axel!

Today we are going to concentrate on the feelings Stick Man experiences throughout the story.  There are many different feelings experienced at different times during his adventure, we can see these through the illustrations in the book.  During a day we ourselves can experience many different feelings, and this is exactly what happens to Stick Man.

I want you to think about these different feelings, why you think he is feeling these and what Stick Man looks like to make you associate that feeling at that time.  Throughout the story, Stick Man may feel:

  • happy
  • lonely
  • scared
  • angry
  • excited
  • sad

I have attached a template below, or you can create your own. Please remember to use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics for spelling
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

Stick Man’s feelings

Cheeky Challenge: Are there any other feelings Stick Man has experienced?  How do you know?