Tuesday 14th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all keeping well and safe.

Please complete your daily reading and why not write a book review to tell us about the book you have read, it’s great seeing what you have enjoyed or not enjoyed about a book.

Next, please take part in the daily Read Write Inc Set 2 or 3 phonics session which you will find on YouTube.

After this please have a game of Picnic on Pluto on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 3 sounds.

This week we are going to be focusing on Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

To start with, please listen to the story which is being read by one of the authors – Axel Scheffler. If you have the book at home, why not read alongside Axel!

Today we are going to create our own family tree.  Please follow the instructions below:

  1. First, draw a tree trunk on a piece of paper, then colour it in.
  2. Second, find a selection of leaves from your garden or on your daily walk.  If you can not find any, you can draw, colour in and cut out your own.
  3. Next, write all your family names on the leaves using a pen.  You are going to write one family name and one leave and carry on until you have written down all your family names.  This could include everyone in your household, your Nan and Grandad, your Aunt and Uncle, your cousin, or anyone else in your family.
  4. Then, glue your leaves on your tree.
  5. Finally, take a picture to show me or Miss Wright.

Cheeky Challenge: Choose one of your family members.  Write a sentence telling me what they would say if they found Stickman.

Tuesday 14th July Art Home Learning

Today we are going to create nature hats.  To start with I would like you to collect a range of nature items such as leaves, twigs, grass or fallen petals, either from your garden or on a walk.  Next, you need a strip of card or strong paper that fits around your head.  You are now going to stick the nature items you have collect onto the card or paper. Then ask a grown up to join the two ends of the card or paper together with glue or tape so it makes a hat shape.  Finally, take a picture and send it in to me or Miss Wright.

Here are some examples:

Monday 13th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you have had a good, safe weekend.  You are all missed very much by all of us at school.

Please complete your daily reading and why not write a book review to tell us about the book you have read, it’s great seeing what you have enjoyed or not enjoyed about a book.

Next, please take part in the daily Read Write Inc Set 2 or 3 phonics session which you will find on YouTube.

After this please have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 2 and 3 sounds.

This week we are going to be focusing on Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

To start with, please listen to the story which is being read by one of the authors – Axel Scheffler.  If you have the book at home, why not read alongside Axel!

Today we are going to be creating speech bubbles for some of the Stickman characters.  A speech bubble is used to tell the reader what the characters are saying.  You are going to use your imagination and your knowledge from the story to create your own speech bubbles.

Remember when writing please include the following:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics for spelling
  • neat handwriting
  • finger spaces

Please use the templates below or create your own:

speech bubble sheets

Cheeky Challenge: Draw a picture of yourself and write a speech bubble about what you would say meeting the Stickman.



Caradoc & Lawley Maths Home Learning 13th July

Good morning!

Join in with the ‘Super Movers’ times tables by clicking the link below:


Here are your Maths challenges for today:

The first two challenges are simpler, if you feel really confident you could try the second two.

Make sure you count carefully!

Remember that quarters are 4 equal parts of a whole.

It would be a good idea to gather some objects from around the home to represent these skittles.

Think carefully about the coins which are available.

Monday 13th July Art Home Learning

Today we are going to create our own Stick Man.  I would like you to go into your garden and find a suitable stick, if you do not have a garden, please do not worry, instead find a stick on your daily walk.

Using items from around your house (making sure you have permission first) please decorate your Stick Man, adding clothes, hair, arms, eye, or anything you would like to add.

Here are some examples.  Remember to be creative, use your imagination and have fun!

Friday 10th July Home Learning Finalie

To end our week of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, I would like you to go on a bear hunt! This might be around your garden, your home or on your daily walk.  Please make sure you stay safe and remember social distancing.  I want you to think of the different parts of the story and recreate them during your walk, you could even perform the story as you walk.  Why not take a teddy bear with you.  Take photos to share with myself or Miss Wright.

Friday 10th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all well and safe.

It is our last day of our English competition today based on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.  Well done to everyone so far for their great work, I’m really pleased with the effort you have put into this!

To start with please watch the story, or if you have a copy at home, read this with a member of your household. As you are listening to the story, try to join in with your actions, and think about who you would like to go on a bear hunt with.

Today you are going to use all the skills you have learnt over the week and perform We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.  I want you to tell the story using expression, excitement, and actions.  This week you have thought about:

  • The order of the story.
  • Actions for the story.
  • The feelings you would experience along the journey.
  • The senses you would use.

These skills will allow you to imagine you are really on the bear hunt, allowing you to use the correct expression in your voice.  For example, if I was walking into the cave I would be feeling nervous, so my voice would sound quiet and be trembling.  This will then allow the listener to understand and imagine they are there with you.

I would like you to practice telling the story using all the points I have listed.  When you are ready, please perform and record your story telling of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.

This is the final part of our English competition, and I can not wait to watch your version and see your performance.

Good luck, have fun and be imaginative.

Cheeky Challenge:  What have you enjoyed the most this weekend and why?