Thursday 9th July Topic Home Learning

Continuing with our theme of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, today we are going to use our research skills to create a bear fact file.

I want you to find out about:

  • The different types of bears.
  • What bears eat.
  • Where bears live and their habitat.
  • What type of animal a bear is.
  • What body features bears have.
  • An interesting fact.

You can carry out your research online using child friendly sites or any books you may have at home.  You can present your fact file in any way you want to, this could be by a poster, leaflet, booklet or another way.  I have set a leaflet template on Purple Mash if you would like to use this.  Please include pictures to make your fact file look interesting.


Thursday 9th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all well and safe.  We are missing you all very much!

Today is our fourth day of our English competition based on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.

To start with please watch the story, or if you have a copy at home, read this with a member of your household. As you are listening to the story, try to join in with your actions, and think about the senses you would use and experience along the way.


Today we are going to be thinking about using our senses.  Remember our senses are:

I want you to imagine you are taking part in the bear hunt and think about:

  • What will you see?
  • What will you hear?
  • What will you smell?
  • What will you feel?
  • What will you taste?

You are to use your imagination and be creative.  Some of the senses might be difficult to imagine, such as what you will taste, but have a really good think and use your imagination.

I would like you to use all five senses to describe each place in the story:

  • The grass.
  • The mud.
  • The forest.
  • The snow storm.
  • The river.
  • The cave.

You can use the template below or create your own.  I would like you to draw each setting and then write your senses sentences, remembering to use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics for spelling
  • neat handwriting
  • finger spaces

Bear Hunt Senses

Cheeky Challenge: How does Michael Rosen make the story sound so fun and interesting when reading it to us on the video?

Caradoc & Lawley Maths Challenges 9th July

Good morning!

Knowing your times tables is very important. Join in with these times tables songs to help you to remember:


Here are your challenges today:

You may need some objects to help you. The objects will need to be the same size like sugar cubes.

Look at the coins you have available. It may help to have these coins infront of you. Remember that the total must be less than 20p.

Wednesday 8th July PE Home Learning

We’re having lots of fun with our We’re Going on a Bear Hunt theme in school this week and hope you are at home too!

Today we are going to take part in a Cosmic Kids PE session based on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.  Make sure you follow the instructions and have fun.  Ask someone in your household to take a photo of you taking part and send it to myself or Miss Wright.  Enjoy!

Wednesday 8th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all well and safe.

Today is our third day of our English competition based on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.

To start with please watch the story, or if you have a copy at home, read this with a member of your household. As you are listening to the story, try to join in with your actions, and think about how you would be feeling in each part.


Today we are focusing on feelings.  I would like you to imagine you are on the bear hunt and you are the one traveling through the grass, the forest, the mud, the river, the snow storm and the cave.

There are many different types of feelings we experience, and at times we can have many feelings at one time.  For example when we do a zoom meeting I am excited because I get to see you but I am also feeling nervous about the computer not working.  Here are a few examples of feelings we can experience:

I would like you to draw a picture of each place then describe your feelings in detail for each place in the book, writing in full sentences, remembering to use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics for spelling
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

You can use the template below or create your own.

Bear Hunt Feelings

Cheeky Challenge: How would you feel finding a real bear in a cave and why?

Tuesday 7th July Art Home Learning

Today we are continuing with our We’re Going on a Bear Hunt theme by creating art collages.

A collage is a picture where you used different materials to create the picture.  You can include:

  • coloured paper
  • tissue paper
  • crepe paper
  • cellophane
  • fabric
  • felt
  • cotton wool

These are just a few suggestions.

I would like you to create a collage based on each of the places we see in the book.  These are:

  • the grass
  • the forest
  • the mud
  • the river
  • the snow storm
  • the cave

Here are some example:

Be creative, use your imagination and have fun!


Tuesday 7th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all well.

Today is our second day of our English competition based on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.

To start with please watch the story, or if you have a copy at home, read this with a member of your household.  As you are listening to the story, try to join in, can you think of any actions?

Today I would like you to think of your three favourite places in the story.  These could be:

  • The grass.
  • The mud.
  • The river.
  • The forest.
  • The snow storm.
  • The cave.

Your task today is to describe you three favourite places using adjectives.  Remember:

Adjectives are describing words.

I would like you to draw a picture of the place then write your describing sentence underneath.  Instead of using adjectives like big or small, using exciting adjectives such as huge or tiny.

You can use the template below or create your own.

Bear Hunt Descriptions

Remember in your writing I expect to see:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics for spellings
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting
  • exciting adjectives

Cheeky Challenge: How would you feel going on a bear hunt and why?


Monday 6th July Home Learning DT

This week our theme is We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, and along with our Maths and English I will be setting you an afternoon activity which we will also be doing in school.

Today we are going to be making Bear biscuits.  I would like you to be as independent as possible, learning how to measure, mix, shape and bake.  Whilst completing this activity please think about:

  • What you are finding easy?
  • What you are finding difficult?
  • What is your favourite part?
  • What have you needed help with?

Please find the recipe for you to follow below:

Teddy Bear Biscuits

If you do not have a teddy bear shape cutter, you can shape the biscuits yourself.

Once you have made your biscuits please take a photo and send them to myself or Miss Wright.

Then you can eat them and enjoy!

Please write a sentence explaining how they taste and how you could improve them if you made them again.