Caradoc – our week

We have had another fun-filled week in Caradoc. The children have been busy Writing news paper reports about the terrible events which took place between Red Riding Hood, the wolf and the woodcutter! I have been really impressed with their work. In Maths we have been finding equivalent fractions, the children build their own ‘fraction walls’. Having talked about their favourite poets, the children requested that we listen to Michael Rosen and Brian Moses performing some  of their poems. In Science the children have been investigating different plants. Sadly, we were unable to go ahead with our Sports day due to the weather. The forecast for next week looks promising, I would ask that Your child brings a sun hat and wears sun lotion should it be hot and also their water bottle.
I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and thank you again for all of your support.

Bright lights, Big city: Light graffiti

Light Graffiti-

The children in Long Mynd and Caradoc have been learning about different forms of graffiti. This week it was ‘Light Graffiti’. We experimented with different light sources, neon and electric. We had a light party to set the mood and capture the real effect.
The main focus is London and the bright lights and busy city life.

Whole School Collective Worship – Justice and Humility

The whole school collective worship is brought to you by Mr. Kenyon.

This week we will be focusing on Justice.

Collective Worship Mr Kenyon

Have a look at the hall of fame below to learn more about images and statues linked to Justice  (click link to enlarge):

If you are interested in ‘Lady Jusitce’ , please take time to look at ‘Verity’ created by Damien Hirst which is placed on the docks at Ilfracombe, Devon.

A 66 foot stainless steel and bronze sculpture named Verity, created by world famous artist Damien Hirst, stands on the pier at the entrance to the harbour looking out over the Bristol Channel towards South Wales. It has been loaned to the town for 20 years. The name of the piece refers to “truth” and Hirst describes his work as a “modern allegory of truth and justice”.


The bible story we will refer to this week is Jonah and the whale:


Justice could mean giving wrong doers the punishment they deserve i.e… the punishment fitting the crime- just desserts, an eye for an eye, etc. However, it could also mean giving all people- particularly the poor and oppressed – what is right and fair for them to have i.e… life, health, freedom, and dignity- this is social justice.

We have used many different bible stories to emphasize this: Jonah and the Whale is one.


Please join us for one of our daily prayers (click to enlarge):

Our week in Caradoc

We have had another fantastic week in Caradoc. The children have been busy creating some ‘graffiti’ art which I know they have been keen to share with you. Our English work has been focused on diary writing, the children have written a diary entry based on our ‘Greek day’. We have been looking at different ways of representing fractions in Maths.We have been very lucky this week to be able to take part in love author roadshows as part of the Literary Pop up Festival. The event with Julia Donaldson  and illustrator Axel Scheffler we’re particular favourites.

I would like to say congratulations to Harrison, our well deserved Star of the week. Here are just a few photographs from the week:

Lovely reaction from his friends when Star of the Week was announced.

Julia Donalson

Whole School collective Worship – Justice and Humility

To week’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Meddins.

Justice PowerPoint Mrs Meddins – final

God’s Story: Sermon on the Mount

Jusitice –

Jesus calls his followers to see justice, not as a way of getting revenge and paying people back; instead, he calls them to forgive their enemies, go the extra mile and not judge other people.

Song to be played from collective worship.

Let us pray (click to enlarge):

Our week in Caradoc

We have had a very busy and productive week. Our Greek day seems like a long time ago now! We have just begun our new Maths unit where we will be learning about fractions. In English the children have started reading our class text ‘Welcome to Silver Street Farm’ which they are really enjoying. We are focusing on diaries in our writing.

I would like to say congratulations to Josh Evans our star of the week, very well deserved.

Here are just a few photographs:

Thank you all again for all of your support. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.

Whole school collective worship – Justice and Humility

As we start a new half term, our Christian values also change. We will be focusing on  Justice and Humility.

Over the next 6 weeks, we will aim the collective worships around the two values with links to bible stories.

Collective worship this week is from Mr Hughes,  where he will focuses on the word ‘Humility’. (click images to enlarge)


Please click on the power point below.

Justice and Humility collective worship

Within the worship, we focus on the bible story:

John 13: 1-17Jesus washes his disciple’s feet

We also look at

The Prideful Ant  – A Story about Pride and Humility

 Philippians 2:3-4, Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Please join us with a prayer focusing on humility:

Greek day in Caradoc

We have had the most amazing day today in Caradoc. The children all looked fantastic, I would like to thank all the parents and carers for all of your support in helping to make this day such success.

We tasted some traditional Greek foods including olives, flatbread and feta. The children made a tasty Greek salad to take home. The children also prepared a traditional Greek casserole using courgettes, aubergine and fresh herbs, it smelled fantastic. I can’t wait to hear what parents and carers thought of the sample we sent home. To drink we crushed grapes to make grape juice (not with our feet!).

Finally the children tool part in a Greek dancing activity and printed designs for a Greek style vase. Here are just a few photographs from our day. We would love it if you could tell us what you thought of the food the children brought home!

Preparing the salad

Food tasting

Ready to take home

Our Minotaur head

Preparing the grape juice

A busy day on Mount Olympus

Aubergine and courgette…yum

Our new topic- Urban Pioneers

Our next topic after half term is called ‘Urban Pioneers’. As geographers we will be exploring our local town and finding out about other towns and cities in the United Kingdom. We will be finding out about ‘Urban Art’ and creating our own ‘Urban’ style art. Our class text is called ‘Welcome to Silver Street farm’ by Nicola Davies. You can watch a short video of Nicola talking about her books  below:


Helping your child prepare for the topic

Take a trip into Oswestry town, make sketches or take photographs of interesting places and buildings to create a scrapbook. You could begin to research urban artists and add any images to your scrap book.

Our curriculum overview is below:

urban pioneers overview

urban pioneers overview