Our week in Caradoc

We have enjoyed a wonderful half term in Caradoc. During the final two weeks the children have been busy completing assessments in Maths and English, I am very proud of the progress they have made.

We have also been enjoying building Minotaur heads using papier mache in preparation for our Greek celebration day on the first day back after half term (more about that later).

In science the children have been investigating which materials are attracted to magnets.

Here are a few photographs from our final week:

I would like to say congratulations to Tyler for achieving Star of the Week this week, very much deserved and to Kam for earning our Values Champion pin this half term:

Finally, don’t forget that on Monday 7th June (the first day back) we will be holding our ‘Greek’ day. We are all going to dress up as an ancient Greek god or goddess or mythical beast. Please don’t feel you need to buy and special clothing for this, you could make a robe from a bed sheet, make a crown or mask or adapt an animal onesie to become a mythical beast. We will be preparing food and taking part in lots of different activities and of course showcasing our completed Minotaur heads!

I would encourage you to read with your child over the half term break and talk about the stories and books together. Enjoy the half term holiday, stay safe and thank you all again for your continued support.

Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Today’s collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Thompstone.

Mrs Thompstone’s Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Again we will be looking at our Christin Values – Faith and Belief: (Click on image below to enlarge)

Today, we are going to focus on the bible story where Jesus calms the storm on the sea of Galilee.


Psalm 46 1-2 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear…”


Please click on the image for The Lord’s Prayer:

Whole School Collective Worship – Faith and Belief

Collective worship this week is brought to you by Miss Wright. The focus this half term is Faith and Belief, Miss Wright as made a PowerPoint (see below):

Collective Worship Miss Wright

Within the collective worship we focus on:   Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Miss Wright asks:

An event you may see around id the ‘Big Asthma Bake Sale’ please feel free to support this event if you see  it around this month. (click image to enlarge).

Please join in with the ‘let love shine through song’:



Let us pray –  a prayer for my friends (click image to enlarge):

Our week in Caradoc

We have enjoyed another fun filled week in Caradoc! The children enjoyed learning about the myth of Icarus and Daedalus, they made puppets and acted out the myth together. In writing we have been focusing on editing and improving our non- chronological reports. I can see a real improvement in the children’s writing. In Maths we have been dividing 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. I would like to say a huge congratulations to AJ and to Matilda for being awarded Star of the Week. Here are just a few photographs from our week: 

Collective Worship – Whole school Faith and Belief – Celebrating Cultural Diversity

This week collective worship is brought to you by Mrs Holland.

Collective Worship – celebrating cultural diversity

The focus this week us celebrating cultural diversity. We will look at the bible story ‘The Good Samaritan’ -Luke 10:25-37.

Please join  in with the action song below:

We will end with a though for the day (click image to enlarge):

Our week in Caradoc

Well, we have certainly had some interesting weather this week. The children were sure that Zeus, the Ancient Greek god of thunder Paid Holy Trinity a visit earlier this week! The children have been writing about Ancient Greek gods and goddesses and also producing pastel and watercolour pictures of their chosen god or goddess. We have completed our work on performance poetry, we have really enjoyed listening to and discussing poems by Michael Rosen, Brian Moses and Roald Dahl. In Maths, we have been mastering short multiplication. Can I ask that anyone who didn’t return their reading book today does so on Monday so that we can change the books.

Here are just a few photographs from our week.
Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday.

Collective worship – Whole School – NSPCC


Whole School collective worship this week is by Miss Scoltock, the theme this week is NSPCC

Collective-Worship-NSPCC (1)

Please click on the PowerPoint to access.

If you have time, please watch the following video:
We also have a bible link to Faith and Belief:


Let us prayer click image to emlarge:

Earth Day Home Projects

Well done to everyone who completed an activity from my Earth Day post last week.  I have been amazed by your efforts!  Take a look below at the projects sent to me:

Lucas’ Earth Day poster

Odin’s Bug Hotel

Amelia’s Bird House

Hanna filling up her pond

Mia building their pond

Hanna and Mia’s completed pond

Kobie’s Bug Hotel

Alex’s Bird House

Anabel’s plants

Miti’s Earth Day poster

Indi’s acrostic poem

Indi’s Bug Hotel

Thank you to you all and to parents and carers for your ongoing support, what a difference you will make to our Earth through your wonderful projects.  You will all be awarded 5 class dojo points, and a small Earth Day prize will be passed onto you shortly.


Our week in Caradoc

We have had another exciting week in Caradoc. The children are really enjoying researching facts bout Ancient Greek gods and goddesses. We were treated to a short presentation by each group about their chosen god or goddess. In our reading comprehension we have been focusing on performance poetry and have listened to poems by a range of poets including Brian Moses and Michael Rosen. I have been very impressed with the children’s thoughtful responses. In Maths we have been multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Our birthday party on Thursday was a great success. I hope you enjoy looking at some of the photographs from our week.

Collective Worship – Faith and Belief – Pedal Power

This week we have a collective worship by Mrs Platt, she is focusing on believing in yourself and never giving up – The Big Pedal.

See Power Point below:

Collective Worship pedal power

Mrs Platt has included a few links having faith in what you do and when riding a bike.

See the song below and join in:

See the story below about faith:


Please click image below to enlarge the prayer:

Thank you and have a wonderful day.