World Book Day 2024

Well done to everyone for dressing up as their favourite book characters, we were all so impressed! We had a wonderful time at Booka and all the children used their book voucher to choose a book. Thank you parents and carers for supporting us celebrate everything fantastic about books.

Our Spring Term so far

Good afternoon Caradoc!

I apologise for the limited posts lately, we have just been so busy with our learning!  The children have all been working incredibly hard and we have been having a big focus on handwriting and using our phonics when writing.

In English, the children built up their skills to write their own adventure story based on The Dragon Machine.  In Maths we have been looking at money, multiplication and division.  In Science, we have been looking at a range of different materials, their properties and their uses, and in Geography we have focused on the weather, learning about the equator and observing the weather patterns around the world based on countries and their distance from the equator.  In Art we have been learning about Kandinsky and completing continuous line drawings and in PE we have been learning a variety of gymnastics moves.  In RE we have looked at the good news Christians believe Jesus brings, focusing on peace, forgiveness and joy.  In Computing we created music digitally using different programs, shapes and sounds.

A huge congratulations to our Stars of the Week over the Spring Term so far!

Lola for her hard work in Maths.

Lilo for his amazing work in English using his phonics and neat handwriting.

Simara for her super progress in phonics.

Wyatt for his fantastic independent writing.

Amelia for her excellent comprehension skills.

Caradoc’s week

We have started our festive celebrations this week with our Christmas Disco, Christmas jumper day, Christmas Lunch and Santa Dash.  Amongst all the December fun we have also been looking at lines of symmetry in Maths, building up to writing an owl fact file in English and completing dance moves like a wizard in PE.  We have also created our own micro habitats in Science, learnt about the meaning of Advent and made Advent wreaths in RE and continued learning about the Gunpowder Plot in History.  We made Christmas hats to wear for our lunch and on Friday we had the travelling nativity box and looked at the importance of the Shepherds, as well as reading the Christmas Story.

Well done to our Star of the week, Mason,  He has been trying extremely hard with his reading and phonics lessons which is really showing in our writing sessions.  Mason reads every night at home and his hard work is paying off in our lessons!


Caradoc’s week

The children have been showing off what they know this week during our assessments, these have taken up most of the week.  However we have fitted in some fun in our foundation subjects! In PE the children have continued with their Dance unit, this time devising dance moves to The Three Little Pigs. In RE we made Greggers and joined Lawley class for a Purim celebration. In DT we folded paper and used masking tape to make freestanding structures. In History we continued our learning on Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, and in Science we compared two different micro habitats.  In Computing we looked at what makes a good photo, and in PSHE we made anti bullying posters.  On Friday we got the Chromebooks out to set up our Numbot accounts, the login details will be put into every child’s reading diary next week so Numbots can also be accessed at home. We also had a visit from our Elf and worked together to our our class Christmas tree up.

Caradoc’s week

What a week we’ve had and I’ve been blown away by how all the children are trying their best with their handwriting! In English we have been joining owls facts together using and and but, as well as joining sentences about the morning sky and night time sky.  In Maths we have been continuing our counting in 2s and 3s, introducing the times tables symbol.  in DT we looked at how chairs are made and joined together and in RE we have looked at the Jewish festival, Purim.  In Science we went on an outside walk to look for micro habitats and it History we learnt who Guy Fawkes was.  We finished our week off with a visit to the school library, sharing our love of reading.

Well done to our Star of the Week who has been working exceptionally hard with her handwriting and made huge progress with this since September.

Our week in Caradoc

We’ve had another busy week with the children working extremely hard.  In English we have been learning how to use commas in a list as well as researching owl facts.  In Maths we have been comparing numbers, ordering numbers and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  In Science we compared and contrasted river and sea habitats and in Computing we looked at taking landscape and portrait photographs.  In RE we continued looking at Diwali and made Rangoli patterns and in PSHE we carried on our learning about bullying.  In PE we started our block of dance lessons by moving like kings and queens, knights and Pinocchio. Finally in History we learnt about King James I of England and Queen Elizabeth I of England, and in DT we made freestanding structures to show our understanding of what they are.

Well done to Simona who was our Star of the Week for working particularly hard with her handwriting as well as being a valued member of Caradoc.

Congratulations also to everyone who took part in the Oswestry lights switch on with the choir, they were all fantastic and we are so proud of them all.

Caradoc’s Week

Welcome back to school, it has been wonderful seeing all the children and we are proud of how quickly they’ve settled back into working hard in class. This week we have been learning all about subtraction in Maths, as well as discovering facts about owls in English.  In PSHE we have acted out different positive scenarios for how to deal with bullying and in RE we have been looking at Diwali, the Festival of Light.  In Science we compared and contrasted hot and cold habitats, and in History we looked at fireworks and bonfires, using the past tense to describe them.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Sapphire, who is always a kind and caring friend, but she has particularly wowed us with using because in her Writing.

Also well done to Seraya who was our Values Champion for last half term as she always shows hope and brings hope to us all.

All children left school on Friday with two new RWI phonics reading books as well as a reading for pleasure book of their own choice.  Please do listen to your children read five times a week, it is brilliant to see how many of you are and how well the children are progressing.