Our week in Caradoc

We had a great last week of term in Caradoc, with the children using everything they had learnt in Science and Geography over the half term to create some amazing ‘Show off what we have learnt’ posters and quizzes.  We also used our writing skills to create a diary entry based on being a character (Rocket) from our English text ‘Look Up!’.  In Maths we started to learn about 10 more and 10 less and in Art we used different art resources to build on top of our watercolour creations.  In PE we took part in various activities based on our development of balancing skills and moving in different directions and in Golden Time on Friday we worked in groups to play a new balancing game – testing children’s ability to work together, take their time and praise each other.

We hope you have had a wonderful half term and are looking forward to greeting you all back at school on Tuesday.

Caradoc’s Week

We have had a fantastic week in Caradoc, and I am over the moon with how many children are now reading at home.  Please let’s make sure all of our children are reading at home 5 times a week as it really does make such a difference.

In class this week we have been using number lines to count in 1s and 10s as well as recapping on numbers to 100 and developing our knowledge of tens and ones in place value.  In English we have been revisiting expanded noun phrases, using the pronoun I and adverbs of time, with the children ending the week using role play to act out our story – Look Up.  In RE we discussed the amazing creations we have in our world and in PSHE we looked at different scenarios and discussed how we could help by being a good friend.  In Art we used focus and momentum to continue with creating some wonderful watercolour work and in Geography we learnt about what an address is and wrote down our own addresses on an envelope.  In Science we have looked at a range of habitats and animals who live there and in PE we concentrated on moving in different directions whilst running.

Congratulations to our Star of the Week – Evie.  Evie is a fantastic role model in and out of the classroom, she is a kind friend, helpful and always doing the right thing.  Well done Evie!

Our week in Caradoc

We have had another busy, hardworking week in Caradoc.  In English we have been writing our space diary entries and in Maths we have been looking at 2D shapes, including counting their sides and vertices. In PE we used control to moves ball in different ways and in Science we discussed animal food chains.  In Art we added extra imagery to our previous weeks watercolour work and in Computing we discussed how to keep safe whilst using devices.

Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Ethan, who has been working hard and making good choices.  Well done Ethan!

Finally, thank you to everyone who has been reading at home, our reading is improving and the children are excited to share their reading records daily and receive extra Dojo points for reading at home. We paid a visit to the school library this week, with the children enjoying sharing different books and reading to each other.

If you have any questions, please do let me know.

Caradoc Celebrations

Well done to the following children who have received our Star of The Week certificate so far this term:

Zlatka for being a wonderful, kind member of the class.

Riley for working hard in English and with his handwriting.

Olivia for being a fantastic role model.

Vali for becoming more independent with his writing.

Our week in Caradoc

We’ve had another great week in Caradoc with the highlight being our visit to the church for the Harvest Festival Service.  All the children sang our ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy” song beautifully.

In English this week we have been writing our own space diaries, mirroring the one we have read by Mae Jemison.  In Maths we have been looking at addition and subtraction using number lines, base 10, tens frames and part part whole models.  In RE we looked at how Christian’s thank God for the harvest and in computing we looked at IT in supermarkets, concentrating on bar codes.  In PE we carried out balancing games and in art we used watercolours to build imagery.

Please can I request that all children bring in their reading books and diaries every day as we read daily in class, and that all children are reading at home. Please do message me via Class Dojo if you have any questions.

Our week in Caradoc

We have had a wonderful first few weeks in Caradoc and the children are working hard.  We have visited space this week, with the children creating a space ship and sampling space food based on Mae Jemison who we have been learning about in English.  In PSHE we have been learning about being a good friend and dealing with conflicts. In Art we have been completing an artist study on Paul Klee and using water colours.  In PE we have been learning how to balance using the wooden beams.

Well done to all the children have been reading at home.  Please do remember reading at home supports our children so much through all of their learning and we ask for this to be completed five times a week.

Thank you, Mrs Thompstone