Caradoc’s First Week

Caradoc Newsletter and Overview

Autumn 1 Newsletter Caradoc Autumn 1 Overview for Caradoc


What a wonderful first week we have had back at school and in our Year Two Caradoc class!  Everyone has settled in so well and have impressed myself and Mrs Morgan with their attitude to learning and positive behaviour.

During the week we have introduced ourselves, discussed our time away from school, shown our number knowledge and used pictures to help us write a story using our imagination.

Moving onto next week, we will be starting our full timetable and our curriculum newsletter will be out as soon as possible, this will allow you all to see what to expect in our class over the next half term.

Reading books were issued on Friday, with every child bringing home a reading for challenge book and a reading for pleasure book.  Our expectations in Caradoc are for children to read at home five times a week.  Please can this be logged in children’s reading records.

Please can all children have their PE kits in school from this week.  As we finalise our timetables, our PE days may alter slightly, so if the kits are in school all children can be ready and prepared.

If you have any questions, please do let myself or Mrs Morgan know either on the door or via Class Dojo.  We are both looking forward to working alongside yourselves and your children over the school year!

Welcome to Caradoc

Hello everyone and welcome to Year Two in Caradoc! Mrs Morgan and I cannot wait to see you all tomorrow. We have lots of fun activities to ease us back into the school routine.

Please make sure you are in full school uniform, including jumper and appropriate school shoes. It is set to rain all week so please remember your coat.  Please can you ensure all uniform items are clearly labelled so that we can return any lost items immediately.  Children also need a named water bottle so that everyone can keep hydrated throughout the day.

There has been a change in our school day. School will now open at at 8:40am for all children, with doors closing at 8.45am.  School will now finish at 3:15pm, with the children being released from the same doors as last year.

Although the exact days are not quite yet set, PE will commence next week, so please make sure all children have their full PE kits in from Monday – Friday each week.

See you all tomorrow, from Mrs Thompstone.

Llangollen Eisteddfod

The year 2 children had a wonderful time yesterday at the Llangollen Eisteddfod.  We watched dancing, listened to music and played a range of games.  We even had the chance to sit in a police car, with Mrs Lewis sitting in the drivers seat! Well done to all the children for their excellent behaviour throughout the trip.

Caradoc’s Week

It was lovely to welcome back all the children to the second part of our summer term.  The children have all settled back into school well after the half term break and have worked hard!

In English we have completed a recount based on our Jubilee celebrations.  In Maths we have been using cm and m to measure a range of items in and out of the classroom, as well as creating comparison sentences.  In Geography we have started looking at Oswestry and London, with our first lesson helping us locate both places on our UK map, along with the four countries that make up the UK and their capital cities.  In Science we discussed what we know about plants and what we would like to find out, and in RE we looked at the picture of the Gospel from the Big Frieze and discussed the good news we already know that Jesus delivered.  In ICT we looked at instructions and programmed the Beebots to move using a set of instructions we created, and in PE we started our Athletics sessions.

Our Star of the Week is Marin, who has come back after half term with so much confidence with speaking in English.  He is working very hard and has such a positive attitude.  Well done Marin!

A quick reminder that our PE sessions are a Monday and Thursday; our spelling test day is a Monday; and we change reading books every Friday.  Finally, can all children have their reading books and diary in school every day.  Thank you.

Jubilee week in Caradoc

What a fantastic week we have had celebrating the Queen’s jubilee.  We have created paintings of the Queen based on Andy Warhol’s pop art, had a wonderful lunch outside and had a whole school singing session.  Our decade was the nineties and we performed I’ll be there for you.  The children were fantastic!

Congratulations to our Christian values champion, Scarlett, for displaying excellent friendship skills and always being a kind, caring friend.  Well done Scarlett.

That’s another half term completed.  I hope you all have a wonderful week.  The children return on Tuesday, 7th June.


Caradoc’s Week

Wow, what a week we have had in Caradoc as Secret Agents for the Government.  All the children have worked so hard, shown amazing perseverance and demonstrated their learning in their SATS.  We have one final task to complete on Monday.

In addition to their secret agent work, the children have been creating Tudor style houses with Mr Hughes based on the streets of London at the time of The Great Fire of London.  We have also completed 3D bird pictures in art, been on a microhabitat science walk in Forest School and learning how to pass a ball whilst moving in PE.

Our Star of the Week in Caradoc this week is Abbi.  Abbi has shown amazing skills during our secret agent work, as well as working hard whilst building her Tudor style house.  Well done Abbi!  Mr Kenyon mentioned all our Year 2 children during our Celebration Assembly due to their hard work, so well done to all of Caradoc, you really are amazing!

Caradoc’s week

Hello Caradoc, I’m sorry there has not been a class post for quite some time.  We have all completed lots of exciting work over the last few weeks and have been working incredibly hard.

All the children have spent the last two weeks going over our maths learning, recapping on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division ready for our KS1 SATS next week.  I am extremely proud of each and every child, their attitude towards learning and the effort they have put into their work.  The children have been told they are all becoming secret government agents next week and the papers we are completing are to show off how clever they all are!  I have not used the word SATS with them as I want them to be confident in themselves and the atmosphere to be as relaxed and normal as possible.  Thank you to everyone for supporting their children with the homework pack sent out recently.  We have not had spellings set for the last due weeks due to SATS practice, these will start again week beginning the 23rd May.

We have also had many celebrations in Caradoc since I last posted, and I want to take the opportunity to celebrate their achievements. I send my sincere apologies for them being delayed.

Stars of the Week:

Elsie – Elsie worked really hard in all of her assessments, trying her best and thinking carefully before answering. Well done Elsie.

Molly – Molly has only been with us for a short time and has settled in beautifully. She is confident, kind and a good friend. Molly is working hard and trying her best in all lessons. It is a please to have her in Caradoc. Well done Molly. 

Tylor – Tylor has only been with us for a short time and has settled in beautifully.  He is such a kind friend and is a caring, helpful boy.  Tylor works so hard in everything he does and has a fantastic learning attitude.  It is a pleasure having Tylor in Caradoc.  Well done Tylor.

Christian Distinctiveness:

Charlie – Charlie is such a kind and caring member of Caradoc.  He is always so forgiving towards everyone in class, he never moans and is a brilliant friend to everyone.  Well done Charlie.

Science Week Competition:

Elsie and Brodi – Well done to Brodi and Elsie for winning the science week competition set by Mrs Platt before half term.  Both of them completed excellent work and won an Easter egg!

Here is some of the work we have been doing in class this week:

Caradoc’s Week

We have had a busy and fun week in Caradoc and as usual, the children have been working hard!  In Maths we completed our Properties of Shape unit and are about to start on Fractions.  In English, we have planned our diary entries taking the role of Major Glad or Major Dizzy and have written our starters.  In RE, we listened to a story about heaven before drawing a representation on what we imagine heaven to look like.  In PE, we have continued with our mindfulness stretching, with everyone becoming more and more confident with the different moves.  In Geography we looked at a range of deserts and answered the question – are all deserts hot?  All the children learnt that deserts can be hot and cold, along with a range of other facts.  In DT, the children made a buggy using cardboard, wheels and axels to trek over Antarctica, following a careful planning session the previous week.

Well done to Brodi who was our Star of the Week on Friday.  Brodi is developing confident in comprehension and is making sure he answers in full sentences.  Brodi is then keen to support other children in their comprehension.  Well done Brodi!

Thank you to everyone who attended parents evening either face to face or over the telephone.  It was wonderful to share our fantastic achievements in class.  A reminder that I will be holding a Year 2 SATS meeting on Wednesday, 6th April at 5pm.  A letter was sent home on Friday with a reply slip.  If you have any questions, please do let me know.

Thank you for your ongoing support.