Caradoc’s Week

We have had a busy and fun week in Caradoc and as usual, the children have been working hard!  In Maths we completed our Properties of Shape unit and are about to start on Fractions.  In English, we have planned our diary entries taking the role of Major Glad or Major Dizzy and have written our starters.  In RE, we listened to a story about heaven before drawing a representation on what we imagine heaven to look like.  In PE, we have continued with our mindfulness stretching, with everyone becoming more and more confident with the different moves.  In Geography we looked at a range of deserts and answered the question – are all deserts hot?  All the children learnt that deserts can be hot and cold, along with a range of other facts.  In DT, the children made a buggy using cardboard, wheels and axels to trek over Antarctica, following a careful planning session the previous week.

Well done to Brodi who was our Star of the Week on Friday.  Brodi is developing confident in comprehension and is making sure he answers in full sentences.  Brodi is then keen to support other children in their comprehension.  Well done Brodi!

Thank you to everyone who attended parents evening either face to face or over the telephone.  It was wonderful to share our fantastic achievements in class.  A reminder that I will be holding a Year 2 SATS meeting on Wednesday, 6th April at 5pm.  A letter was sent home on Friday with a reply slip.  If you have any questions, please do let me know.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Caradoc’s Week

We have had a great week in Caradoc, with the children becoming keen and eager to share their views and ideas.  In English we have been learning about writing in the past progressive form and considering what we think a hero is.  In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes, as well as counting the edges and vertices of 2D shapes.  In RE we looked at the signs of Spring and Easter, discussing the importance of Easter to Christians.  In Science, we have started our Living Things and Their Habitats unit by looking at how to classify things that are dead and alive using MRSGREN.  In PSHE we looked at age ratings, discussing why these are important and what exactly they mean.  In PE we had our first Mindfulness Stretching session, which the children really enjoyed.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Alfie.  Alfie is always doing the right thing and is a fantastic role model.  This week Alfie has been working hard in English, making sure he is writing consistently in the past tense.  Well done Alfie!

On Thursday, 17th March I will be holding a KS1 SATS meeting for you in Caradoc at 5pm.  This is an information session where we will discuss the SATS, support you can provide at home, as well as looking at some past papers.  A letter went home on Friday with a reply slip.  If you have any questions, please do let me know.

Valentines Disco

What a fantastic time had by all at Thursday’s Valentines Disco.  The children all behaved exceptionally and had great fun dancing, eating, playing musical statues and playing with the balloons. A huge thank you to the PTA for organising such a wonderful event, and we are all looking forward to the next event.  Here are a selection of photographs:

Caradoc’s Week

We have had a great week in Caradoc, with our main events being the Valentine’s Disco and the Year 2 Gymnastics competition at the Marches.  It was wonderful to be able to attend the disco, it is an event we have all missed over the last couple of years.  All children who attended had a brilliant time, everyone joined in and behaved exceptionally!  Thank you to the PTA for organising the disco and I for sure cannot wait until the next one.

On Wednesday, 12 Caradoc children attended a Gymnastics competition at The Marches.  The children worked so hard and performed well.  Some of our children gained gold, silver and bronze places, and overall Holy Trinity came fifth out of all the schools that attended.  Mrs Walmsley and Miss Griffiths, who took the children, commented on the children’s exceptional behaviour, well done to everyone involved and I am hoping to share a selection of photographs will follow shortly.

During the rest of the week, we have started our Statistics unit in Maths by completing tally charts and learning how to interpret the results.  In English we have started to write our own version of The Dragon machine following creating our story plans.  In Science we learnt about what happens to materials when they are heated, focusing on the particles inside the material and how they change with heat.  In RE we looked at a copy of Qur’an and designed a poster on the importance of handling this holy book with such care and regard.  In Art we continued our drawing work based on Stephen Wiltshire, with the children drawing pictures of London.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Finley.  Finley always puts 100% effort into everything he does, he is a brilliant role model and such a good friend.  I chose Finley this week because of his effort in the Gymnastics competition, gaining gold in one of the routines.  Well done Finley!

Caradoc’s Week

What another busy week we have had in Caradoc!  The children have continued to put 100% effort into their work, and everyone is growing on confidence with sharing their ideas and answers to the class.

In English we have been adding suffixes to verbs to describe what has happened in the past, as well as writing a diary entry in the past tense.  In Maths we have been using all of the skills we have developed over the last few months and completed past Key Stage 1 SAT papers to get the children used to the format ready for May.  In Science we carried out an investigation to see which materials can change shape through twisting, bending, stretching and squashing.  In RE we learnt about Islam’s holy book, the Qur’an, with the children designing their own front cover before moving on next week to looking at the importance on handling and taking care of the holy book.  In art we looked at the work of Stephen Wilshire and mirrored his drawing style when creating our own pieces of art on buildings around Oswestry.  In Geography we learnt about the different climate zones, comparing these to our temperate zone in the UK.  We also celebrated National Story Telling Week by listening to lots of different stories selected by the children, as well as listening to a live author zoom story by Carmen Agra Deedy.

Well done to our Star of the Week, Hannah, who has shown a keen interest in our RE lessons and sharing so many facts about the Islam faith, and what it is like to be a Muslim.  Well done Hannah.

Unfortunately we were unable to change our reading books on Friday, apologies for this.  They will be changed on Monday, so please ensure book bags come into school.  Thank you.

Caradoc’s Week

We have had another busy week in Caradoc, with the children all working hard in all lessons.  In English we have been creating leaflets, writing commands and creating our own mischievous character’s as part of our work on The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward.  In Maths we have been working on dividing by 2 and 5, as well as looking at odd and even numbers.  In Science we completed an investigation to find the most suitable material to make an umbrella, which was great fun!  In Geography we focused on the animals that live in the Arctic and Antarctica, creating fact files on a chosen animal, and in RE art we created observational drawings based on the work of Maurice Sendak.  In RE we learnt about the Islamic Prophet Muhammed and listened to the story of The Prophet and the Ants.  In PE we used the apparatus to move in different directions and using different shapes and in ICT we learnt how to copy and paste in our Spreadsheets unit.  We visited the school library again, where the children explored the book shelves and listened to a story by lying down which they all loved!

Well done to our Star of the Week, Charlie!  Charlie is a great role model in class and throughout the school. but he has particularly impressed me this week by using question marks and exclamation marks in our English work.  Well done Charlie.