Caradoc’s Week

We have had another busy week in Caradoc, with everyone working their socks off!  In English we have been looking at different types of poems, choosing our favourite one, then creating our own rhyming words.  In maths, we have been looking at number bonds to 10 and 20, learning new songs to help us remember these.  In Science we looked at body organs and understanding their jobs, and in Topic we looked at shops in the past, comparing them to the shops we have now.  In RE we looked at God’s creations and discussed what we are thankful for, and in ICT we continued our coding lessons.  Finally in Art we created our own watercolour paintings based on the work of L.S Lowry.

Congratulations to our Star of the Week, Grace.  Grace is always on task with a smile on her face, and she is a fantastic role model.  Well done Grace.

Caradoc’s Week

In Caradoc this week the children have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s, using our number songs to support their counting and remembering.  In English, we have completed our hot task of writing a non-fiction description based on old photographs of Oswestry.  The children worked hard to remember to use full stops, capital letters, their phonics, neat handwriting and adjectives.  In RE we looked at the story of creation, with the children creating their own story boards based on this.  In ICT we have been creating a set of instructions (algorithms) to create a coding program, with our focus this week being on using a timer to make a magician’s rabbit disappear.  On Thursday we enjoyed our Harvest Festival Service, with Caradoc singing beautifully.  We were very proud of all the children.

Reading diaries finally arrived and all children were issued with these on Friday.  Please do take the time to record your child’s reading at home.  We check these every week and dojo points are awarded for reading at home.  Please can children bring their diaries and reading books to school every day, as we will be listening to readers regularly.

Finally, congratulations to our Star of the Week, Ariarna, who has settled into our school and class beautifully, working hard and making great friendship groups.  Well done Ariarna.

Caradoc’s Week

Despite the rain, we have had a great week in Caradoc.  The children amaze us every day with their hard work and the effort put into all tasks.  In English we have been learning about using full stops and capital letters, nouns, adjectives and using commas in lists.  In Maths we have been comparing numbers and objects using the greater than, less than and equals to symbols, as well as ordering numbers and objects correctly.  In Science we carried out research on the Chromebooks based on what animals and humans need to stay alive and keep well.  Everyone correctly identified the need for air, water, food and shelter, along with understanding the importance of each aspect.  In Topic we focused on Geography this week, with the children creating a key for their own map work.  We looked at a variety of maps of Oswestry, both old and new, and have started creating our own.  We discussed the importance of a key before making our own for a range of features, including a pond, woodland and the school.  In RE we looked at what a creator is, things in our world that have been created, and who we think created them.  Our focus then turned on what Christian’s believe God created, and we spent some time looking out of our classroom window, looking at some of these creations.

A quick reminder that all children came home with a letter on Friday about our Harvest Festival celebration in church on Thursday, 7th October.  We require every child to return the consent form attached back to school as soon as possible to allow us to make the necessary arrangements.  The children have been working hard to learn the songs ready for Harvest, and we look forward to sharing these with you on Thursday.

I wanted to also let you know that we have altered our spelling test day.  Our spellings tests will now take place on a Monday, however with children being issued with new spellings on Friday, the next test will take place on Monday, 11th October.

Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who is reading at home.  This is making a big difference to children’s reading, writing and speaking in class.  Reading diaries will hopefully be with us very soon ready to send out for you to log reading at home.  Thank you for your patience.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Caradoc’s Week!

We have had a fun, busy week in Caradoc! In Maths we have been learning about tens and ones and writing in numerals and number words. In English we have been looking at old photographs of Oswestry and describing them, as well as looking at a WAGOLL of a non fiction description and creating a success criteria. In Science we started our Animals including humans unit by looking at offspring.  The children enjoyed matching the baby animal with its parents, then concentrating on the lifecycle of a frog. In Topic we started our Street Detectives unit by looking at old and new maps of Oswestry.  The children compared them, looked at the different things they could see and discussed how Oswestry has grown over time.  We then looked on Google Earth, concentrating on Oswestry, in particular the school! In RE we looked at the Creation big frieze by working in groups to discuss the big frieze picture and all the wonderful things on Earth.

We had fun on Thursday morning by joining in with our school MacMillan cake sale.  We all enjoyed buying a cake and comparing our chocolaty smiles!  Finally, well done to Allan who was voted our class school council member.  The children in class who wanted to run for school council, completed a manifesto that was shared in class.  We then discussed democracy and carried out a fair vote.  We had a draw with three children so another vote was conducted, with Allan receiving the most votes and winning.  Well done Allan!

Children have now been issued with spellings, these are based on the phonic sounds and words they have been learning over the week.  We will be having our spelling test on a Friday morning.

Caradoc’s Week

We have had another great week in Caradoc, with the children working extremely hard independently and in groups.  In English and our afternoon lessons we have continued with our work on The Secret Sky Garden, with the children designing their own projects for a green space area, considering the benefits to themselves, the community and the planet, as well as thinking about the wildlife they would like to see in their project.  In Maths we have been looking at numbers to 100 and comparing numbers using the symbols for greater than, less than and equal to.  We also looked at a range of flowers, seeds and bulbs, comparing them and looking at the similarities and differences.  We then looked at a mint plant, and some children were keen to try a mint leaf, although not everyone enjoyed it!  We then completed the week by planting some bulbs to allow us to watch them grow over time, learning about how to look after them and let them thrive.

Children were given reading books on Friday for them to read with you at home.  Once again, I am sorry there are no reading diaries at the moment, we are still waiting for them to be delivered.

Finally, we had our first Star of The Week celebration on Friday, unfortunately our Star of the Week in Caradoc was not in school, so this will be shared next week.

Thank you for your support and see you on Monday morning ready for a new week.

Caradoc’s Week

What a brilliant first week we have had in Caradoc.  All the children have settled in well and have shown an eagerness to carry on their learning.  Mrs Morgan and I are very proud of them all, well done children!

During the week we have been focusing our lessons on a book called The Secret Sky Garden.  Our lessons have included looking at and exploring the outdoor space around school, thinking about the negative impact of littering, and considering the feelings of a character based on the colours used in the illustrations.  We have also spent an afternoon in Forest School, where the children completed a sketch of their favourite area, followed by using oil pastels the next day to bring colour to their picture.  In Maths we have started our unit of Place Value, with the children becoming confident with numbers up to 50 forwards and backwards.  We have also used a range of mathematical equipment to develop our understanding of tens and ones to 20, then up to 50.  In PE we have started our circuit training unit, with the children completing various activities in their groups, such as bunny hops, stepping on and off the bench and star jumping.

We are looking forward to continuing our work on The Secret Sky Garden next week.

Reading at home

Good afternoon everyone!

What a fantastic week we have all had being back in school, with everyone having a smile on their face and working hard.

I wanted to update you all about our reading books for home. Every child in Reception and Key Stage One has been sent home with a reading book. These are closely matched to your child’s reading stage, however they may need some support at times. If your child has a book with no words in, they are encouraged to talk about what they think is happening with you and to make up a story using the pictures as they go along.

Children in KS1 have also gone home with a reading for pleasure book. This is a book they have chosen themselves, encouraging them to share this book with you at home.

Next Friday, all children will be sent home with three books:
1. One book will be a phonics book matched exactly to your child’s reading stage.
2. One reading for challenge book matched closely to your child’s reading stage, but some support may be required.
3. One reading for pleasure book for you to share at home. This book will not be at your child’s reading stage, it is purely for them to enjoy and to promote a love of reading.

We encourage children to discuss what they have read, you could ask them questions about the text or about what they think might happen next. We promote the use of phonics and children will be able to decode the words using the sounds they have learnt. I will be holding a meeting regarding phonics and reading later in the term for parents and carers to explain how we teach this and to offer any support. We do have a whole school expectation of children reading at home five times a week. This will encourage your child’s reading development as well as an opportunity to use their phonics and gain an understanding of what they are reading.

We have unfortunately had delays with our reading diaries arriving. Please bear with us and these will be issued as soon as they arrive.

Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions, please do let me or your child’s class teacher know.

Enjoy your weekend, Mrs Thompstone

Sports day

Well, at last we have been able to invite parents and carer’s back into school to support our wonderful children on their Sports day. The weather was kind and the children all had a fantastic time taking part. I would like to thank all of you for coming today to cheer the children on and for your ongoing support. Here are some photographs for you to enjoy! There will be more to follow so please keep checking our page.