Spellings Friday 24th April

This week we are going to focus on words from the Year 2 common exception word list. The spellings sheets are at the bottom of this page along with a dictation sheet you may want to use to check your spellings at the end of the week.

Why not try something different?

I would love to see some examples of your ‘Rainbow Spellings’

Spelling Cheeky Challenge:



Year 2 Spring 2 Week 5 Dictations

Spellings 14th April

Our focus this week:

Adding the endings ing, ed, er, est, and y
to words ending in e with a consonant before it. You van use the  Look- See- Cover _ Write- Check sheet. There are lots of ways to help you learn your spellings, why not try a spelling scribble. Choose different coloured pens for each part of the ‘scribble’ and write your spellings in your best handwriting. Tip: make it nice and big!



Year 2 Spring 2 Week 3 Dictations