Thursday Literacy

Good Morning, I hope you are all well.

Today I’d like your child to read this book to you.

Ask your child to write the answers to these questions. For those who are able to I would like them to answer by writing in a full sentence. For example

  1. Where does the pink crab sit? Answers could be ‘The sand’ ‘On the sand’ or ‘The pink crab sits on the sand’
  2. What colour is the big crab?
  3. What does the pink crab say when it is running away?
  4. Is the pink crab big or small?

Encourage your child to do their best writing and to use full sentences if they can. We have done a lot of work in class about verbally answering questions in full sentences and about writing in sentences. Remind them about using the correct spellings for the tricky words they know. Remind them to carefully sound out each word in the sentence and to use their finger spaces. Encourage only using capital letters at the start of a sentence and using a full stop at the end of a sentence.

If you can photograph their work and email to me at I can see how they are getting on and make a comment on their work. Thanks to those who have already been in touch via email. It is lovely to hear how you are and see what you have been up to.




Wednesday Maths

Say a number, ask your child to jump/clap/hop etc that many times. Some will be able to go up to 20, some may be able to go further!

Can your child write the number you say? (Try to correct any reversals).

Use any small toys or objects you may have (blocks, cars, toy animals, crayons or even dry pasta) say or write a number. Can your child count out that many objects?

Cheeky Challenge!!! Say or write a number to 5. Ask your child to double it and then count out that many objects.

Log into Crickweb and play the count with Lecky game.  



Wednesday Literacy

If you have any toy farm animals, ask your children to tell you about them. What are their names? What do they look like or like to eat? What are their babies called? Do they give us anything (milk/eggs?) What noise do they make? If you do not have toy animals, then perhaps look at a book with farm animals in or look at pictures of farm animals online. Here is a video clip about farm animals. 

Ask the children to draw some pictures of farm animals. Can they write a sentence or two about each animal picture? Can the paper be folded together to make a book?

If you have playdough – roll this out thinly to make long thin snakes. Use the playdough to make letters to spell out the names of the farm animals. If you don’t have playdough, you could cut up string or wool. Magnetic letters could also be used. The children will know the following special friend sounds which will help them spell out the words ‘sh’ ‘ee’ ‘ow’ ‘ch’ ‘oo’ ‘ck’ ‘er’ ‘nk’ ‘or’

Read through the tricky words. Lay them out on the floor. Challenge your child to tap a certain word with their toe!



Tuesday Literacy

Log into the Phonics Play website. Select phase 3 and play the game ‘Picnic on Pluto’. The children can sound out and read the words and then decide if the word is a real word or a made up word. If it is real they drag it to Bob, if it is not a real word they drag it to Obb!  

There is a link below to a worksheet. Talk about the pictures with your children. Together think of how to finish the sentences. Encourage the children to use their phonic knowledge to finish writing the sentences. Remind them to think about each sound they can hear in each word (for example, 4 letter sounds in the word milk.  (m – i – l – k ) Remind the children to use their finger spaces.

farm caption writing  

Play I spy with your child. Use phonic sounds instead of letter names (for example ‘buh’ for ball) It might be easier to collect a variety of objects use these as the objects to spy.


Tuesday Maths Work

Something a little bit different today!

Cut  some cardboard or paper into triangles, circles, squares and rectangles for your child. An empty cereal box would work well.


Talk about the number of sides on the shapes and the number of corners each shape has. Can the children find anything in your home that is the same shape as the shape they are holding? For example, a circle clock or a square window. If you have enough shapes cut out, ask your child to use them to make some pictures, perhaps like this rocket.


Cheeky Challenge!!! Select some tins and boxes from the kitchen. Can the children find any circle/square/rectangle faces on these 3D shapes? Can they remember the names of any of the 3D shapes?

Cube with square faces

Cuboid with rectangle faces

Cylinder with circle faces



Monday Literacy Work

Use this photo to encourage your child to write some sentences. Ask them to start with ‘I can see…..’

sheep in hat and glasses

The more confident your child is with writing, the more you can ask them to write about the picture. Ask them to add details, such as what colour the hat is and what is in the background. Some children can write three or four sentences. Remind them about their phonics. They all know the ‘ee’ special friends sound they need for the words ‘see’ and ‘sheep’. They are all also familiar with the ‘sh’ special friends sound at the start of ‘sheep’. They know the tricky word ‘I’. I hope they surprise you with the amount of writing they are able to do! Please remind them to use finger spaces! ask them to draw their own version of the picture.

Please also use this opportunity to practice name writing. The children can all write their first names now. Its time to start learning surnames! Write their name for them to copy and encourage them to copy it a few times each day.

Please read a story to your child today. Any story that you have at home that your child will enjoy is fine. It does not have to be a school book.

Practice the ‘red tricky words’ I have provided you with. Read the phase 2 and 3 ones with your child. If they are confident with these, slowly introduce the phase 4.  Encourage the children to write a few of them.

CHEEKY CHALLENGE!!!! Can they write any sentences using the tricky words?

Monday Maths Work

We have been learning about ‘doubles’ in class. This is a link to a song we use to help us remember them.

doubles song youtube link

If you have dice at home, you could play a game with your child, rolling a dice and working out the double. Perhaps roll a dice and challenge your child to work out the double and then count out that many crayons/counters/ building blocks etc. If you don’t have dice cut up a piece of paper into squares and write numbers or draw dots onto each square and use these (by placing them face down and then turning them over) in place of the dice.

Here are some sheets to support this work. Start with the doubles to 10, and progress to the doubles to 20 if you feel your child is able to. Please don’t expect them to sit and complete all of them in one go!

doubles to 10 sheet

doubles to 20 

Monday and Playdough Recipe

Good Morning Clee Class,

I hope you have all kept safe and well over the weekend. I am attaching some work for the day, it will be saved under Clee Homework. It can be accessed at anytime, not just today. I understand that you may be using the paper copies of the home learning packs for the first few weeks. The work I set each day will stay in the Homework folder for you to access when you and your child are ready to.

All the children in Clee love using the playdough in class. Here is the recipe I use to make ours. I make a new batch each weekend, for both hygiene reasons and because lots of ours ends up being lost on the bottom of shoes, or hidden I around the room over the week! However, a batch will last for quite a few weeks if it is stored in an airtight container or a zip lock bag.



2 cups of water (1 cup is approximately 8oz or 230ml)

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

1 cup of salt

2 tablespoons Cream of Tartar

A few drops of food colouring (optional)

2 cups of plain flour.



Put all the ingredients except the flour into a large saucepan. Heat gently until the mixture is warm. Removed from the heat, stir in the flour. Tip the mixture out wait for it to cool and knead until the mixture becomes dough like.