Our Week in Reception.


This week Reception have seen our Fred the Frog being stolen from our classroom by the pirates! We discussed what we could do to get Fred back. We decided to think about how we could make a pirate trap to stop the pirates coming into our classroom again. We also made posters describing Fred. We put these up around school in the hope that Fred may be found.



In Maths we have been continuing our ‘Building 9 and 10’ learning. We have looked at numberbonds to 10, talked about more, fewer and the same using groups of items, and played skittles to count how many have been knocked over and find the number on the number track:

We also sang ‘Ten in the Bed’ looking at how many bears were in the bed and how many out of the bed. The children continued this into their Learning and Exploring time (LEX) by acting out the song.



We have enjoyed being outside in the sunshine and making the most of the garden area:



These are some of the activities we enjoy when we first arrive in school:



We have been watching how the sunflower seed we planted last week has grown. We have had some frog spawn brought in and we have talked about what we think might happen and how long it may take for the spawn to become frogs. We have been fascinated by the tadpoles swimming around in the tank:



We made cards and presents for our mums for Mothers Day. The children made their own decision on what to draw on their card; they did it completely independently. They each took selfies which were made into coasters:



It’s been another fun, busy week.


Our Week in Reception.


Activity packs - British Science Week

We have had a super Science week learning all about growth. We talked about how we grow from babies to being elderly, we looked at bulbs and many different types of seeds which we cut from inside fruit and vegetables. We have observed how some cress seeds have changed over the week and we have planted our sunflower seed.




In Maths we have started our ‘Building 9 and 10’ learning. We have looked at number bonds to 9 and 10, used numicon to make up 9 and 10 and used cheerios on pipe cleaners for more than and less than.



In Literacy we started to read the story ‘The Pirates are Coming’. We made misfit pirate faces and wrote captions and sentences to describe them. We replied to a message in a bottle which we received from the pirates.



During LEX time some of the children have made a ‘speedboat ship’ using the loose parts. They pretended to ride on the speedboat ship and have a picnic. Following on from this we read ‘Whatever Next’ and made sandwiches to eat at our own picnic.

We continued the children’s interests in paper aeroplanes by each making one and testing to see whose went the furthest, the highest and the fastest:

They have also enjoyed taking turns in water play




Our Woman in History learning continued this week when we learned facts about Julia Donaldson. We listened to ‘Paper Dolls’ written by her and then made our own paper dolls.



We learned about St Patrick’s Day. We watched a video about St Patrick, made rainbow hats and danced an Irish jig:



What a busy, fun week of learning we’ve had! 

Have a lo9vely weekend everyone!

Our week in Reception


We have had another great week in Reception.


In Maths we have completed our White Rose Maths ‘Growing 6, 7, 8’ by consolidating some of our previous learning. We have relooked at pairs; we talked about spiders and how many pairs of legs they have. The children made themselves into a spider with 8 legs and then found out how many pairs of legs they have. We have also relooked at combining two groups of items and talked about part-whole and number sentences. We continued both of theses aspects in our Maths LEX time:



In Literacy we started our topic based on the story ‘The Pirates are Coming’ by John Condon. Mrs Owen found a treasure map of our outside area which also had a clue on it. The children read the clue and then followed more clues until it took us to our treasure chest. Following this the children were convinced that they heard and saw pirates by the door, on the roof and outside by the window. 

Thank you to everyone who brought in their treasure box. The children showed and described what was in their treasure box to their friends and then drew and wrote about their treasures:




Following on from the children’s interest in making music and musical instruments we have been exploring instruments both indoors and outside. We talked about their sound and playing them loud and quiet:




Continuing our learning about ‘Women’s History Month’ we learned more about the Queen. The children were fascinated by her crown and decided to make their own crowns.


Next week in Literacy we will be continuing our learning based on ‘The Pirates are Coming’. In Maths we will be starting our ‘Building 9 and 10’ phase of White Rose Maths and it is Science week in school an the theme is ‘growth’.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Dallow and Mrs Owen.



Our Week in Reception


Welcome back to school and the second half of our Spring Term.

We hope you all had a lovely half term break.


This week in Maths we have been talking about who is four and who is five; we found out if more children are four or more children are five. We made birthday cakes with candles and matched the correct numeral. We have also been talking about time and sequencing. We read the story Jasper’s Beanstalk and did some activities linked to it:


After reading ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ we wrote about what happened on each day in the story and planted some bean seeds. We are planning on recording how they grow:



We have celebrated St David’s Day. We watched the story of how St David came to be the Patron Saint of Wales, we looked at the Welsh flag, leeks and daffodils and had Welsh cakes for snack. Following this we joined in lots of St David’s Day activities:


We celebrated Baba Marta Day. Many children brought in Martenitsa (bracelets). They put the Martenitsa onto their friends wrist for good luck. We looked at the Bulgarian flag and made our own Martenitsas:


We also celebrated Shrove Tuesday by learning about Lent, how to make pancakes and which toppings we like. We had pancake races and the children decided to use the walking stilts as medals, the cones as trophies and the crates as a podium for the winners. We finished the day off with the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’ and eating pancakes:



A big thank you to everyone for the fantastic costumes on World Book Day. We had a really great day. We showed our costumes, we read lots of stories and we watched a special World Book Day programme when Axel Scheffler showed us how to draw some of the characters in the books he illustrates and read us poems and stories:  

What a fantastic first week back.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow.


Valentines Disco

What a fantastic time had by all at Thursday’s Valentines Disco.  The children all behaved exceptionally and had great fun dancing, eating, playing musical statues and playing with the balloons. A huge thank you to the PTA for organising such a wonderful event, and we are all looking forward to the next event.  Here are a selection of photographs:

Our week in Reception


I can’t believe we are already at the end of another busy week!


In Literacy we read to the end of ‘let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’ book. We were surprised about what happened at the end! We drew and described either a tiger or a crocodile. We talked about being friends and made friendship bracelets and cards:                     



In Phonics we have learned more new sounds and how to write them. We have been practising reading using our Blending books. When we were learning the ‘r’ sound someone noticed that the ‘R’ in Riley is different to the ‘r’ we were learning. This brought about a big discussion about capital letters at the beginning on our names. We looked at some of the capital letters and talked about if they are the same or different than the lowercase letters:




In Maths we have been learning about combining two groups of numbers. We practiced this in lots of different ways. We talked about the + and = symbols and number sentences:



After our eye screening a few weeks ago some children have been having appointments at the opticians. We talked about this and watched ‘Topsy and Tim Go to the Opticians’. We then decided to make an opticians in our outdoor role play shed. We made some things to go in there and Specsavers donated some things for us to use too:




On Thursday lots of us went to the Valentine’s Disco. We had great fun dancing, playing with the balloons, eating snacks and playing musical statues:




We have had our first home learning challenge back. Olivia made a journey of when she went on a holiday with her family and they met pirates!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone else’s journey creations. Remember they need to be in school by Wednesday so that we have chance to look at them altogether.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Our Week in Reception


What a busy week we’ve had again in Reception.


In Literacy we have been continuing our learning about the book ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’. This week we recalled the story and read a few more pages from the book. We looked at the picture on the page we read to and then wrote about it:


We have also been taking part in National Storytelling week. We have looked at some traditional tales; The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man. We have joined in many activities to learn about the stories such as making finger puppets and stick puppets and retelling one of the stories to the class. We looked at two different versions of The Gingerbread Man and talked about what was the same and what was different in them.


In Maths we have been learning about making pairs and which numbers are pairs and which have an odd one. We paired socks, animals to go into an ark and found who had the matching pair to an item we were holding. We joined in a maths activity about alien pairs:



Chinese New Year 2022 – Year of the Tiger

In the afternoons we have been learning about Chinese New Year. We have looked at some Chinese items, listened to the story of the Chinese New Year called ‘The Great Race’, joined in with some dragon dancing and tasted Chinese food:

Sapphire brought in some flags of Vietnam she made at home. We talked about the flag and compared it with the flag of China. We enjoyed making flags of Vietnam:


What a fantastic busy week!

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow.