Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week in Clee.

The children have really enjoyed practising for Sports Day and are eager to encourage their friends.


In Maths we have been recapping on our subitising skills:



In Literacy we started to read our focus text ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival. We talked about having a teddys bear’s picnic and the children wrote invitations:



We have been keeping a careful eye on our chrysalis. This week two butterflies have emerged so far. The children were very excited to see this. We released the butterflies on Friday and talked about what will happen to them. The children talked about the life cycle of the butterfly:



We have had the opportunity to look and talk about a wasps nest which was brought into school. The children thought it was a beehive and that they could see hone. They asked some questions; ‘Are bees and wasps the same?’ and ‘Do wasps make honey?’ which we will find out the answers to:



We talked about the EUROS 2024; where Germany is, the stadiums, the mascot and said good afternoon in German. The children have each picked a team to support during the tournament:



Here are some of the other activities from the week:

Our first week back in Clee


Welcome back to school everyone. The children have returned full of enthusiasm and eager to learn.


This week in Maths we have looked at the sunflowers we planted and discussed how they have changed, and how we can measure them. We have looked at our calendar and what is happening in June:



In Literacy we looked at the front cover of our new focus text ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival. The children predicted what they think may happen in the story. After looking at the front cover and talking about the little girl holding her special bear we showed items which are special to us.

We each had a turn to say what we had been doing during the half term holiday and then drew a picture and wrote about it:



In Understanding the World we looked at how our caterpillars have transformed into chrysalis. We carefully moved them into their new habitat. We voted whether they will be butterflies by Monday. We are excited to see when they will become butterflies.      We used props and read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story :



Here are some of the other exciting things we have been doing this week:

Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week full of fun and learning.


In Literacy we sequenced and retold the story of the Gigantosaurus. We then read the whole story before working in groups to re-write parts of the story. Some Literacy activities we had were making dinosaur stick puppets, writing about our favourite part of the story and making dinosaur skeleton pictures:



In Maths we have containued our Sunflower Challenge. This week we talked about what we could notice on the seed packets. We talked about what sow means and when the best time is to sow our seeds. We talked about the months of the year cycle and sang a song to help us remember it. We emptied the seed packets and talked about what we could notice. The children used their subitising skills. We made a big sunflower to measure each other on:



We visited the Garden of Hope and talked about what we could see and how the garden made us feel. We then made butterflies by recycling the bottle tops which we have been collecting. Next week we will decide where the butterflies will be put:



Here are some photographs of other activities we have joined in with this week:


Next week is our last week of the half term before we break up on Friday. We will visit the fossil museum and have fun celebrating Dinosaur Day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week in Clee.


This week we have started our ‘Sunflower challenge’ by being sunflower detectives. We used books and the internet to research sunflowers. We found out lots of facts. Thank you to the families who have sent in photos of sunflowers:



In Literacy we finally got to see see what the ‘Gigantosaurus’ looks like. We wrote words, captions and sentences to describe him, drew and wrote about him on big paper and made our own named dinosaurs:


In PE we learned about team work, changing direction and trying to avoid being tagged by an opponent. Neil and Paris were very impressed at how well the children listened and followed instructions:




This week has been Deaf Awareness Week. To help the children understand they covered their ears and talked about what it was like when I spoke to them. We watched Giovanni and Rose’s special dance on Strictly Come Dancing and a video about different types of hearing aids. Elsie came and talked to us about her hearing bands and why she wears them. The children wanted to find out more and asked her lots of interesting questions:



Here is some of our other learning from throughout the week:

Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week this week.


In Maths we have been continuing learning about counting. We have practised saying the number names in the correct order, only counting each object twice and remembering to stop at the stopping number:



In Literacy we read a few more pages of the ‘Gigantosaurus’ book. We found out that one of the baby dinosaurs had tricked his friends which made them not want to play with him. We played a ‘paying a compliment’ game and the children made friendship bracelets for their friend:



Here are some photographs of some of our other activities from the week:

I hope you have a lovely long weekend,                                                                        Mrs Meddins


Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week in class this week.


In Maths we have continued our work on odd and even numbers. We practised this in many different ways including finding partners for lining up and doing the actions to ‘Row row your boat’ and sharing fruit and other objects into groups of two. The children are becoming really confident at knowing if there is an odd one then the number is odd.



In Literacy we have read some more of our ‘Gigantosaurus’ focus book by Jonny Duddle. The children wrote words to describe what sounds the Gigantosaurus might make.

We have been learning about which dinosaurs are herbivores or carnivores. We had a selection of dinosaurs which the children were able to name and then we checked online if they were herbivores or carnivores and put them into their correct group:



Here is some other learning and exploring activities from the week:

Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week in Clee. The children have impressed us with their enthusiasm for asking questions and learning.


In Maths we have been learning about ‘odd and even’. We began the learning by sorting objects according to properties. We then looked at which Numberblocks had a flat top and which had an odd top. The children were confident to recognise these and had a go at making their own:


In Literacy we read a little more of our focus text ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Jonny Duddle. We learned some new vocabulary which includes herbivore, carnivore and Cretaceous. The story start with the mummy dinosaurs warning their four baby dinosaurs about the Gigantosaurus. The children wrote their own warnings in speech bubbles. There were also lots of other activities for them to explore:



This week in Expressive Art and Design we talked about the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at two of his most famous paintings and discussed which was our favourite and why. We will be painting our own interpretation of the ‘Sunflowers’ painting.

We looked at how a sunflower seed grows and then planted sunflower seeds and cress seeds which we will look at daily to see how they are growing and if they are growing at the same rate:



On Wednesdy we had a visit from Sian from Booka Bookshop. Sian told us about some books we can buy and read us two stories:



Here are some of our other activities from the week:

Our first week of the Summer Term


Welcome to the first half of the Summer Term!

The children have settled back into school after the Easter break. We have had a fantastic start to the term with the children full of enthusiasm and eager to learn.


In Maths this week we have been learning about doubles. The children are very confident to show doubles using their fingers and to point out if something is or is not a double. They have been joining in activities to consolidate this:



In Literacy our focus text is ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Jonny Duddle. The children arrived in school on Wednesday to find a sealed box. They shared their ideas as to what they thought was in the box. When we opened it we found four eggs in a nest. We hatched the eggs and inside were four baby dinosaurs. There was a letter from the Dinosaur Mummies asking us to take care of the baby dinosaurs. There was also the ‘Gigantosaurus’ book.

We will read a few pages of the book each week and the children will join in many dinosaur activities to engage and support their learning:



Here are some other activities the children have enjoyed this week:



Next week in maths we will be learning about odd and even numbers.


Thank you to everyone who came to parents evening last week. It was lovely to chat to you about your child’s achievements.

Have a lovely weekend,                                                                                                 Mrs Meddins, Mrs Owen, Mrs Dorofte and Mrs Roberts.