Our last week of the Spring Term


We have had a really busy last week of the Spring Term. We have enjoyed lots of Easter crafts, going to Church and our Pirate Day.


In Literacy we read to the end of our ‘The Pirates are Coming’ book. The children were very surprised at the ending! This week we received some scrolls from the pirates telling us that they had stolen Travel Ted. To get him back the children had to write to the pirates to tell them why we want him back. We did this and thankfully they returned him unharmed and wearing a pirate eye patch:



On Wednesday we had a surprise visit from the Easter bunny who left eggs for us to collect:



On Thursday we joined the rest of school in church for the Easter service. The children were fantastic and sang like real superstars.

In the afternoon we did an Easter parade around the other classrooms so that everyone could admire our Easter bonnets and hats:



Here are some photos of other experiences during the week:



On Friday we finished the term in pirate style as we all dressed in pirate costumes and enjoyed lots of pirate activities with Earls Hill and Nursery children:

What a fantastic week!

We hope you all have a lovely Easter, please remember to send photos via Dojo for the children to show when we are back in school.

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Owen, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Dorofte.





Our Week in Clee


We have enjoyed another fantastic week in Clee.


In Mastering Number Maths we have been continuing our learning about comparison. The children have been putting the numberblocks in the correct order and talking about which numbers and more and less than others. They have continued this learning by independently accessing Maths activities:



In Literacy we have read the first few pages of our focus text ‘The Pirates are Coming’ by John Condon. We then made pirates face and wrote about them, wrote messages and put them in a bottle and made signs to tell the pirates to keep away from our class!



In Expressive Art and Design we read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. We looked at the images in the book and how they are made using tissue paper. The children the made their own tissue paper art creations:



In Understanding the World we talked about Mothers Day; what gifts we give and the reaons why we give them:


We talked about Easter and the children shared what they know about Easter. We the watched ‘The Easter story’ and discussed what they had seen and why we really celebrate Easter. Next week we will be creating an Easter garden:



On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. The children had the opportunity to talk about their costume and their favourite book character. We had a fantastic trip to Booka Bookshop where Sian read us a story and we all chose a book using the World Book Day tokens. The children were absolutely fantastic:



Here are some other fantastic experiences which the children have initiated and enjoyed during the week:

Our Week in Clee


We have had a great week which has been full of fun and learning.


In Maths we have been continuing our learning about counting. We have practised counting up to and beyond 30, and listening for the number patterns as we count. The children helped Muddles the Monkey as he gets really muddled as he counts and sometimes counts objects twice or counts in the wrong order. They told him what he was doing wrong and how to count correctly:



In Literacy we looked at the covers of our focus book ‘The Pirates are Coming’ and read the blurb, The children made predictions as to what they think is going to happen in the story:



We had a fantastic visit to Oswestry library. The children were a credit to the school; they walked really well (chatting all the way there and back), they sat and listened to 5 stories read by one of the librarians, voted for their favourite and then explored the library:



On Friday in Understanding the World we learned about St David’s Day in the morning and Baba Marta Day in the afternoon.

For St David’s Day we watched a video about celebrating St David’s Day and the story of St David. We listened to the Welsh National Anthem, looked at where Wales is on the map and talked about leeks, daffodils and Welsh cakes being special to Wales. The children then made observational paintings of daffodils, made daffodils and St David’s Day cards and coloured in Welsh flags. They enjoyed Welsh cakes for snack:



To help us learn about Baba Marta Day some children came to tell us the story of Baba Marta and showed us how to make Martenitsas. They then helped the children to make their own Martenitsas:



Here are photos of some of our other learning and fun we have had during the week:



Next week we will be learning about Eric Carle’s art and celebrating World Book Day on Thursday.



Our Week in Clee


Welcome to the second half of the Spring term.


We have had a really lovely week; the children have returned full of excitement and enthusiasm.


This week in Maths we have been learning about comparing amounts. We have compared amounts through pictures and real objects. The children have furthered their understanding through various activities which they have worked at with a partner:



To introduce our new focus text ‘The Pirates are Coming’ by John Condon a map arrived showing our outdoor area and a clue. We read the clue, followed it and found more clues. At the end of the clues we found a treasure chest; the children were very excited! They wrote lists of what was in the chest, made their own treasure maps and used their Phonic knowledge to write the words with pictures:

Many of the children brought in a box with their own special treasures in. They took turns to show these to the rest of the class:



We have talked about our value of ‘Hope’. The children listened to a story about hope, we talked about hope in our school prayer and motto. We then discussed what we hope for:



Here are some other activities we have been doing this week:


Next week we are hving a trip to the library and celebrating St David’s Day and Baba Marta Day.

Our week in Clee


We have ended the half term with a very busy week of learning and fun.


In Literacy we recalled ‘Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek’ by making a story map and acting out the story:



In Maths we looked at our calendar for February. We practised number composition by acting out number rhymes. These included ‘Five aliens in a flying saucer’, ‘Five little monkeys jumping on the bed’ and ‘Five cheeky monkeys swinging in the trees’.



This week we have enjoyed Bikeability with our teachers Jo and Liz. Everyone received a certificate and sticker at the end of the week:



On Friday we learned about Chinese New Year. We watched a video about preparing for Chinese New Year, we made packets for gold coins, we used chopsticks in the home corner and to write Chinese numerals, we listened to ‘The Great Race’ story about the Chinese zodiac and we performed a dragon dance with music:



We have also joined in many more learning activities throughout the week:


Our Week in Clee.


We have had another great week this week filled with lots of learning and fun.


In Maths we have been learning about the composition of 6 and 7. We did this through the song ‘Aliens in a flying saucer’. We talked about how many aliens were in the flying saucer, how many had flown away and how many altogether. The children then practised this independently:



In Literacy we read to the end of ‘Let’s all Creep Through Crocodile Creek’. The children were very excited to get to the end of the story and find out what happened to Shelley, Rabbit and Mouse.

As it has been National Storytelling Week the children were the authors and illustrators of their own books:



We had lots of different people to read stories to us for National Storytelling Week. We even told our own stories using the books we had written and illustrated:



On Friday we joined in NSPCC Number Day. We talked about the NSPCC and what a charity is. The children showed their costumes and talked about the numbers, shapes and subitising patterns on them:



Here are some of the other experiences the children had during the week:

Next week the children will take part in Bikeability. We will be learning about internet safety during Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and on Friday we will learn about and celebrate Chinese New Year.



Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week this week.


In Mastering Number Maths we have been learning about the composition of 5. We have sang ‘5 little speckled frogs’ and talked about how many frogs are on the log, how many are in the pond and that there are still 5 altogether. The children then explored further Maths activities independently:



We also used balancing scales to understand mass:



In Literacy we read some more of our focus text ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’ by Jonny Lambert. The children worked in pairs to find words, put them into a sentence and read the sentence. They joined in other Literacy based activities related to the story:



We have continued our RSPB learning by checking on the bird feeders we made and spotting birds. We put seed into a bird feeder which we nhave on the classroom window so that we can see which birds come to eat:



Here are some photos of some of the other learning experiences this week:

Next week we will be finishing reading ‘Let’s all Creep Through Crocodile Creek in Literacy, looking at the composition of 6 and 7 in Maths and joining in the NSPCC Number Day on Friday.

It is also National Storytelling week meaning we will have different adults reading stories throughout the week.

Our week in Clee

We have had another fun-packed busy week.


In Mastering Number Maths we have been looking at the staircase pattern using Numberblocks. We have talked about numbers being one bigger and one smaller than the one next to them:




In Literacy we have started reading some pages from our focus text ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’. Following on from drawing a journey last week, this week we talked about how we would travel. The children drew and wrote about their mode of transport:



The children were really excited about the snow. They spent lots of time playing and exploring:



Here are some photographs of our other learning during the week:

What a fantastic busy week!