Our Week in Clee


We have had another busy week in Clee.

This week our language has been Spanish; the children said ‘hola’ at register time.



In Maths we have been learning about comparison. We started each session by pretending to be rockets, we said numbers backwards and then blasted off. We looked at number tracks and the Numberblocks staircase model to discuss how far numbers are apart and whether they are bigger or smaller:



In Literacy we read some more of our focus text ‘Supertato’. We played a game called sticky fingers when we walked around to music and when the music stopped we found a partner and read each other’s words. We also pretended to be some of the veggies from the story and acted out the sentence from the book ready to write on speech bubbles:



We continued practising for Sports Day in PE:



This week we had a music session from the Charanga scheme which the children will be taught when they move to Year 1:



This week’s Drawing Club book has been Goldilocks and the Three Bears:



Some of the Nursery children have been to visit Reception as part of their transition for September:



We have had lots of ‘Evil Pea’ activities during LEX time as well as other learning extended from the children’s interests:

Our Week in Clee


This week in Clee our language has been Australian. The children have found it really funny to say ‘G’day’ or ‘G’day Mate’ during the register. The children have asked to say hello in Spanish next week.



In Mastering Number Maths this week we have been using the ‘5 and a bit way’ to make numbers to 10:



In Literacy a parcel arrived with a note saying that we need to keep a look out for the Chilly Peas we released from the ice last week as they can cause mischief! Inside the parcel was our focus book ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra. This is one of our favourite books and the children were very excited when they saw it. We looked at the blurb abd the two front pages. We then took turns to mime something that Supertato was doing:



As it has been so hot our PE session was inside. The children practised some races remembering to take turns with their team mates:




This week has been ‘Big Green Week’. We looked at oceans and how plastic can be harmful to the creatures that live in it. We pretended the paddling pool was the ocean and inside it were sea creatures, shells, fruit peel and food packaging, plastic bags, and containers. The children decided if the items were good in the ocean or not good and why:



These are some other activities we have been doing during the week:








Our Week in Clee


We have had a great first week of our final half term in Reception.

Our language of the week has been French. The children have asked that next week we say hello in Australian; you will quite possibly hear the children saying ‘g’day’ or ‘g’day mate’!


In Mastering Number this week we have been continuing our learning about the composition of ‘5 and a bit more’. The children have found many different ways to make 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10:



In Literacy we found a letter on our door after we had been out to play asking us to help the Chilly Peas as someone had put them in ice and they were frozen! The children made a fantastic job of rescuing the Chilly Peas. We talked about how we did this and, as it took quite some time, we talked about how we could make the ice melt quicker; the children had fantastic ideas. We then sequenced what we had done and wrote about it.:

We followed this up by predicting whether ice with salt on it or without salt on it would melt quicker. Two small pots of water were frozen and then we put ice on one and watched what happened. We then looked back at our predictions to see if we were correct:



Our Drawing Club book this week has been ‘Dear Zoo’. The children are really enjoying coming to Drawing Club and creating their character or setting and a number and word code to make something happen to their drawing:



In PE we had our first practise for sports day. The children practised staying in the castle colour groups, waiting their turn to race and cheering on their team mates; what a lot of instructions!




It has been Child Safety week and as the weather has been very hot and sunny we talked about keeping safe in the sun and watched a video about ‘ George the Sun Safe Super Star’:




Here are some of our LEX activities and ‘Show and Tell’:

Our Week in Clee


This week in Clee our language of the week has been Welsh.


In Mastering Number we have been learning about the composition of 5 and 6 and talked about ‘5 and a bit more’. The children have found many different ways to make 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10:



In Literacy we finished our focus text ‘Silly Doggy!’. The children retold and rewrote the story. Alongside this they were authors and illustrators making their own books:



In PE we used balloons to practise catching and keeping the balloon up using alternate hands and also with a partner:



Following on from the children’s interest in ‘Peter the snail’ we looked at Kandinsky’s circles and recreated our own using chalks and oil pastels:


On Wednesday for our last forest school session we went on a bear hunt:



On Thursday we had our In Class worship. This time Reverend James told us a bible story about Jesus washing his Disciples’ feet:



In the afternoon we joined Key Stage 1 for a Charity obstacle course to raise money for Hope House:



Here are some of our LEX activities from the week:

Have a lovely half term break.

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.

Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week of learning and fun.


In Mastering Number in Maths we have been continuing our learning about subitising. The children have been finding ways to represent six and we have talked about if they can subitise their representation or if they need to count:




In Literacy we finished our focus text ‘Silly Doggy!’ by Adam Stower. We discussed the sequence of the story and the children began to re-wrie the story. They made maps of zoos and enclosures to ensure the animals could not escape.

The children are showing a big interest in authors and illustrators and so this week they wrote and illustrated their own books; they have been very proud of what they have achieved:

We have read three books written by Adam Stower. The children voted on which was their favourite book and some gave reasons why:


This week’s Drawing Club book has been ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ as it links in with our Literacy focus. The children have the opportunity to come to Drawing Club during LEX time. They draw a picture either of a character or setting and write codes which make their drawing do something amazing; their ideas are fantastic:


In PE we talked about the importance of warming up and cooling down our bodies. We used balloons to place on different parts of our body, move around our body and keep up in the air using parts of our body:



One of the children brought in a snail which they had found on their way to school. The children were fascinated by the snail and named it ‘Peter’. We watched the snail move and noticed how he made a glittery trail. We found out what the different parts of a snail are called and noticed that there were some snail trails in our classroom:



Here are some of the exciting ideas the children initiated during LEX:


Next week we will be continuing to re-write the ‘Silly Doggy!’ story in Literacy. In Maths we will be learning more about Composition. Following on from ‘Peter the snail’ we will be looking at the artist Kandinsky and creating our own spirals inspired by his work.

It is going to be a sunny week, please ensure your child has suncream applied before they come to school and they have a sun hat with them in school.

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.

A Fantastic Finish to our Coronation Celebrations.


Today we finished our Coronation Celebrations by taking the pants we decorated to the Post Office to be sent to King Charles.


Here is a recap on how we came to decorate pants for the King:

After reading ‘The King’s Pants’ story by Nicholas Allen, Clee Class received a letter and a parcel from the King asking us to decorate some pants for his Coronation.


Today some children went to Cabin Lane Post Office to send the decorated pants to King Charles.

We really hope King Charles loves the pants as much as we’ve loved decorating them and learning about his Coronation.