A Fantastic Finish to our Coronation Celebrations.


Today we finished our Coronation Celebrations by taking the pants we decorated to the Post Office to be sent to King Charles.


Here is a recap on how we came to decorate pants for the King:

After reading ‘The King’s Pants’ story by Nicholas Allen, Clee Class received a letter and a parcel from the King asking us to decorate some pants for his Coronation.


Today some children went to Cabin Lane Post Office to send the decorated pants to King Charles.

We really hope King Charles loves the pants as much as we’ve loved decorating them and learning about his Coronation.

Our Week in Clee


This week in Clee our language of the week has been Arabic.


In Maths we have continued practising counting up to, and above 20. The children worked in pairs to count how long their partner could stand on one leg. We discussed different strategies to help us count 20 objects and the children worked together to make collections of 20 objects:




In Literacy we read some more of our focus text ‘Silly Doggy!’. We then discussed what we would feed a bear if one came to our house and the children each had a picture of themself with a speech bubble to write about what they would say to a bear if they saw one in their garden:






In Forest School the children made musical instruments which they used to accompany them singing; the song they chose to sing was ‘Jingle Bells!’:



One of the children brought in a paper aeroplane. This brought on the children wanting to make their own paper aeroplane and see whose aeroplane could fly the furthest. One of the children said ‘Only paper aeroplanes can fly, metal aeroplanes can’t fly’. We had a discussion about this, a vote as to who thought metal aeroplanes can and can’t fly, we watched a video of a plane taking off, discussed if the aeroplane was metal or paper and then had another vote. The children’s discussions and reasoning were great:




Here is some of the other learning which has taken place this week:

Our week in Clee.


It has been another busy, fun week in Clee.


Our language of the week has been Latvian. During the register we said ‘sveiki’ which is hello in Latvian.


The highlight of our week was receiving a letter asking us to make some pants for King Charles to wear at his Coronation. We read the story ‘The King’s Pants’ and then received the letter along with a box full of his boring white pants! We decorated the pants using red, white and blue materials as we found out these are the King’s favourite colours. we also made crowns and bunting for the Coronation. A big thank you to everyone who made bunting at home; our classroom looks fantastic:

The children described what they were wearing for our Coronation celebrations:



In Maths we helped Muddles the Monkey with counting and how to stop at the stopping number. The children suggested moving objects and touching them to count them:



In LEX time some of the children used hockey sticks as horses and made them manes using wool:



In forest school Mrs Dallow talked about fire safety rules. She lit a fire and made popcorn for us to eat. We then toasted marshmallows on the fire before exploring:

Have a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.





Our Week in Clee


We have had another busy week in Clee.


In Literacy we started reading our focus book ‘Silly Doggy!’ by Adam Stower. The children joined in lots of activities including writing what they could see in a picture from the book, reading real and nonsense words, drawing and writing about bears. WE also put up our ‘Wanted Posters’:



In Maths we have been learning about repeating patterns. We looked at the patterns on our socks and tights and then practised making repeating patterns using blocks, shapes, dabbers and colouring:




We had our second PE session:




We introduced Drawing Club. Our focusbook was ‘Not Now Bernard’. In Drawing Club we listen to the story, hear new vocabulary and then make up our own characters, settings and adventures. For each of these we make up a code which makes something happen. E.g. the code ‘mush’ makes the monster grow 100 times bigger. The code ‘6, 7, 8’ makes the monster turn into a rabbit. The children were amazing at ‘Drawing Club’:




In Forest School we listened to ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson and then joined in some fun Gruffalo activities:



Here are some of our LEX and other activities:

Clee’s first week of the Summer Term.


We’ve had a fantastic first week back in Clee!


On Monday we had our first PE session. The children were absolutely amazing at independently undressing and dressing themselves. They showed fantastic listening skills as there were new rules to be followed and a whistle to listen out for. We started by finding a safe space. We then did a warm up when the children walked slowly on tiptoe. When the whistle blew the children practised freezing and listening to instructions. They moved around in different ways showing happy, grumpy, sad etc. The children then each had a spot which was ‘stuck to the floor’ they had to put different parts of their body on the spot as the were instructed e.g. foot, hands, head, elbow, toes, knee, back etc…




On Wednesday we had our first Forest School session. Again, there were lots of new rules to follow. The children had a fantastic time exploring the forest area:




In Maths this week we have been recapping on doubles and learning about odds and evens.

We regularly look at our registration ten frames and what we can see. We look at how many ten frames are full and how many photos are on the remaining ten frame as an introduction to place value.

This week we counted using buttons and feathers; it was quite tricky to wait to count until they had hit the bottom of the container:




As our introduction to our Literacy focus book ‘Silly Doggy’ by Adam Stower Mrs Edwards told us about an animal which had been rummaging through the bins in school. A neighbour had some photos from their doorbell camera showing the animal. This caused great excitement and the children were very enthusiastic to make ‘WANTED’ posters, plan and make traps and draw maps to show the route the bear may have taken:



In ‘Show and Tell’ the children showed photos of their holiday, a Frozen book and two children showed a dance they had made up:



Here are some of our LEX activities, the children enjoyed using twirlers and making gliders among many other activities:



Our School Value this half term is Service. We looked at people who serve us in school, talked about who serve us at home and who would serve us in an emergency. We made hearts to say thank you to the NHS for serving us:

What an exciting, busy week!

Next week we will have our next PE and Forset School session. We will say hello in Bulgarian and in Maths we will be learning about pattern.



Our week in Clee


This week we have learned to say ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Afternoon’ using Makaton sign language.


In Literacy we finished reading ‘The Journey Home’ by Emma Levey. The children have really enjoyed the story, learning about journeys and memories, families and what animals hatch from eggs. This week’s challenge was to sequence and retell the story:



In Mastering Number we have been learning about doubles. The children enjoyed joining in activities which supported their understanding of doubles:




In preparation for PE, which we will be starting after the Easter holidays, the children played musical shoes and socks. They danced and when the music stopped they were given instructions to take off one shoe or sock. When they had taken both shoes and socks off we repeated the game to put them back on:




Here are some of the learning and exploring the children have been initiating:





On Thursday it was Mr Cartwright’s last day in Clee Class. He wrote a special song all about us which was absolutely lovely and made some of the children a little emotional:




The children who have brought in their home learning projects showed them to the class. Thank you for supporting the children to make these; they are really fantastic:





In Understanding the World we have learned why we celebrate Easter. The children gave their ideas about why they think we celebrate Easter. We then watched a video showing the Easter story and discussed what they had learned. We joined the rest of the school at the Easter service in church. The children were absolutley amazing in church and wowed everyone with their signing while singing ‘Celebrate’. It was great to see so many families supporting us. A big thank you to our families who helped make Easter bonnets at home. We did an Easter parade to show them off to the rest of the school.



To finish the term off, and as an Easter treat, the Easter Bunny came and hid Easter eggs in our outdoor area. He even sat and ate a carrot while we watched from the classroom. The children went on an Easter egg hunt and collected the Easter eggs and we shared them out:



Wishing you all a very Happy Easter,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Owen.

Our Week in Clee


In Clee this week our language of the week has been German. We have learned to say ‘Guten Tag’ (Good Day) in German.


In Maths we have been learning about composition of the number 7. We have used rhymes, Numberblocks and visual representations of 7.




In Literacy we have read some more of Hattie Peck The Journey Home. The children have been mark making in sugar, made lists of birthday presents for Hattie’s hatchlings and drawn and written what they would take in their suitcase if they were going on an adventure with Hattie:



On Monday we had a visit from Helen. Helen works for Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust and talked to the children about the importance of looking after their teeth. This was done using some really lovely interactive activities. The children had some great questions for Helen and gave some good answers to her questions:



The children have shown an interest in shadows, to extend this learning we looked at how shadows are made, the children made shadow puppets and found shadows outside. The weather helped the children to understand that we need light to make shadows!



Wednesday marked the start of Ramadan for some families in our class. Mr Cartwrght read the story of Ramadan to the children. The children then made sun and moon suncatchers:



Here are some of the LEX time activities from the week:



Next week we will be learning to use Makaton signing to say good morning and good afternoon.

We will learn about Easter and the Easter story. We will be joining the rest of the school in church for the Easter service and on Friday afternoon we will be having an Easter Bonnet parade.

Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week in Clee.


Our language of the week has been Japanese. We have learned to say  こんにちは(Kon’nichiwa) which is Japanese for hello.



In Mastering Number Maths we have been learning more about comparing numbers. We have used Numberblocks for many of the activities which the children have really enjoyed:



In Literacy we have read some more of ‘The Journey Home’. The children have drawn and written about their favourite day out and enjoyed some fun Literacy activities:





In Understanding the World we have found out about animals that lay eggs and The Queen and why she was an important part of our past:




Here are some of our LEX activities:



We have also made cards for someone special in our life for Mothering Sunday:



Have a lovely weekend.