Our Week in Clee


Snow Day GIFs | Tenor

I hope you’re all having fantastic fun in the snow.


Here is some of the learning we have been doing in school earlier in the week.

Our language of the week has been Italian. The children have found it very funny to say ‘chao’ during the register.



Our focus in Mastering Number maths this week has been counting. The children have enjoyed teaching ‘Muddles’ the monkey how to count up to 30. We have also looked at the Numberblocks staircase pattern and how each numberblock is one more than the previous:



In Literacy we have started reading and learning using our focus book ‘The Journey Home’. The children discussed what happened in the first few pages of the book. They then worked together to find words which describe Hattie. They independently made beds for animals which hatch from eggs, drew pictures of their family and matched words to pictures:



This week the children have shown an interest in avalanches and swimming pools. Here are some photos of our LEX time:



We enjoyed going outside in the snow, we decided there wasn’t enough snow to build a snowman or have a snowball fight. Some of the children said it tasted like ‘strawberry’, ‘ice-cream’ and ‘banana’.




In Understanding the World we learned about the season of Spring. 



Next week our language of the week will be Japanes. We will be learning more about comparison in Maths and drawing and labelling picture of days out in Literacy. Along with many more exciting activities.


Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week of learning in Clee.

Our language of the week has been Welsh. We learned to say ‘Bore Da’ and ‘Helo’ during register time.



In Mastering Number in Maths we have been learning more about ‘more than’ and ‘less than’.

We have also learned about shape and been on a shape hunt inside and outside:




On Wednesday we came back inside to find some mysterious footprints and a suitcase. The children thought the footprints were made by “chicks because they are small, a polar bear, a snake and a bear.” Inside the suitcase we found an umbrella, binoculars, bird seed, a map, suncream and a book called ‘The Journey Home’ by Emma Levey. The children then predicted what they thought might happen in the story:




In Understanding the World we learned about St David’s Day. We looked at where Wales is on the map, the Welsh flag, daffodils, a leek and we ate Welsh cakes for snack. 


We also learned about Baba Marta Day which is celebrated by our Bulgarian families. We looked at where Bulgaria is on the map, the Bulgarian flag and some of the older children came and told us the story of Baba Marta and showed us how to make martenitsas:


We also learned about some famous women in History:




On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. The children’s costumes were fantastic. They each had a turn to describe and show their costume to their friends.

We were invited to Book Bookshop for a story session and the children had the opportunity to use their World Book vouchers to choose a book:




Here are some of our LEX activities:


Next week our language will be Italian, we will say ‘ciao’ during register time. In Literacy we will be starting our focus text ‘The Journey Home’ by Emma Levey. In Maths we are continuing our Mastering Number work on counting.

Our Week in Clee


This week we have learned to say ‘hello’ in French. The children have enjoyed saying (and singing) ‘Bonjour Mrs Meddins’.



This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week. We have read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and talked about which Colour Monster’s feelings we are and why. The children made Colour Monster stick puppets and made up their own colour monster. We also talked about the different emotions Naughty Bus had shown in our book and why he would feel like that.




On Tuesday we learned celebrated ‘Safer Internet Day’ by playing a game called ‘Can you help me please? This game allowed the children to practise asking for help. We did this by playing using a puppet to pass around the circle, when the music stops that child is asked how the scenario on a card might make them feel, and who would be the best person to talk to. 






In Mastering Number this week we have been singing the song ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’ to learn about the composition of 5. We used our fingers and thumb to represent the frogs on the log and in the pool. We used the sentence ‘5 is made from…….3 and 2’. The children followed this by accessing activities and showing their understanding independently:




In Literacy we finished reading ‘Naughty Bus’. We spotted the tricky words in the story, looked at Naughty Bus’s emotions, bed time routines and talked and wrote about where Naughty Bus had been in the story:


We continued last week’s Storytelling Week as more adults asked to read to the children. The children also told their own stories. They told stories about a crocodile in a pond and a dragon who ate everything and everybody.




Some mornings this week it has been icy in different areas of the playground. We talked about being safe and why the children couldn’t go in those areas. The children wanted to investigate the ice; they described it as being cold, freezing and white:




LEX time: The children have shown an interest in bubbles this week; they used washing up liquid and water to make bubbles. We provided different resources for them to use to explore the bubbles:



Next week we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day and making up our own adventure for Naughty Bus. Our language of the week will be Spanish.

Our week in Clee


We have had another exciting week in Clee.


Pupils take part in National Storytelling Week – Hensingham Primary School

This week we have been celebrationg National Storytelling Week. Many different members of staff from the Academy have read or told stories to the children which we have really enjoyed. We will continue this into next week as there are more adults and children who would like to take a turn at reading to us.





In Literacy we have read some more of ‘Naughty Bus’. Naughty Bus had messed up our classroom and we had a visit from Jack’s mum to say how sad and cross she was because Naughty Bus had driven over her tablecloth with dirty wheels! We wrote some letters to Jack’s mum explaining how we felt about this:




In Maths we have been learning about number order, counting and how many. We spend a short time being taught this and then practise it independently with Maths activities:




We learned some more about the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and joined in a physical activity where we hadd to listen to which bird picture we needed to fly to and if we flew quckly or slowly. We also flocked into trees but found out that one of the trees was chopped down and so the birds had nowhere to perch:





In LEX time outside the children made tents and campfires. This was enhanced by introducing pop up tents and toasting cotton wool marshmallows. Next week we will pretend to toast real marshmallows sitting around a campfire and sing some songs:




Number Day 2023 | NSPCCOn Friday it was NSPCC Number day, the children took part in lots of number based activities and really enjoyed showing off their fantastic outfits. A big thank you to parents and carers for their support. Here are a few pictures from the day:



Next week is Children’s Mental Health week all week, and Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th February. 

Our week in Clee



Our language of the week has been Polish. Each day we have said ‘witam’ which means welcome.


This week as part of our Understanding the World learning we have learned about Chinese New Year. We watched a video about preparing for Chinese New Year, looked at where China is on the world map, enjoyed lots of Chinese New Year activities, performed a dragon dance and used chopsticks to taste some chinese food:


We also checked our cress seeds and were amazed at how much they have grown. The children talked about the tallest and shorter pieces of cress:



We continued our learning about the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch by looking at birds that migrate. Some of the children made paper plate birds and danced like birds:



In Mastering Maths we have been learning more about subitising. We showed our understanding by independently completing activities:



In Literacy we have continued our learning on our focus book ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke. We read that Naughty Bus had raced passed the passengers waiting at the Bus Stop and how the passengers felt when this happened. We read captions; ‘I am mad’, ‘I am cross’, ‘I am sad’ into talking pegs, and wrote words on post-it notes to describe how the passengers felt:




Here are some of the activities we have enjoyed in LEX time:


Next week we will be joining in with National Storytelling Week and NSPCC Number Day on Friday when the children are invited to dress up as a digit. Our language of the week will be Turkish. We will say ‘Merhaba’ which means ‘hello’.

Our Week in Clee


We have enjoyed another great week of learning in Clee.


In Literacy we have continued our learning based on our focus text ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jerry and Jan Oke. We read a few more pages of the book and found out that it is about a London bus. We watched a video of a London sight seeing tour. Following this we talked about some famous London landmarks and wrote labels for them on a map:



In Maths we have been representing amounts using our fingers and other items. We have also been practising the ‘stopping number’ when counting:





A number of children have spoken about planting recently, following on from this in Understanding the World we looked at seeds and bulbs and talked about how to plant them and what they need to grow:



We continued our learning about the RSPB Big School’s Birdwatch by walking around school and bird spotting. We then made bird feeders; some were pine cones with lard and seeds and some were made using cheerios threaded onto pipe cleaners. The children then chose where to hang them outside:




On Friday the Air Ambulance made an emergency landing on the school field. We were able to take a close look at the helicopter and watch it land and take off:




Here are some of photos of Show and Tell and our LEX time activities:


Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year, continuing our Naughty Bus focus and Mastering Number Maths.

Our week in Clee


We have had another great week in Clee.


This week we have been saying hello in Bulgarian ‘Zdraveĭte’. Next week our language will be Arabic meaning that at register time we will say ‘sahlan’.



This week we have talked about the RSPB Big School’s Birdwatch. We have signed up to join in with the birdwatch this year and the children made a great start on Wednesday by sharing their thoughts and ideas and doing some birdspotting in our outdoor environment:




In Maths we looked at our calendar for January and talked about when our birthdays are. We made the self-registration five frames into ten frames and talked about base ten. 

We have been continuing our Mastering Number learning with finding part-whole. The children are really understanding this and talk about the parts and whole of things throughout the day:




In Literacy we have introduced our focus text ‘Naughty Bus’. A wrapped up present arrived in class; we all had a turn to investigate the present and guess what was inside. When we opened it there was a red double decker bus. This led us to talk about our experiences of going on a bus. We then drew and labelled a journey:




In LEX time some of the children spotted rainbows. This was extended by making rainbows using different media. We will continue this learning next week:



Here are photos of other activities this week:



What a fantastic week!