A stunning start for Stiperstones at RAF Cosford

A fantastic day was had by all today at RAF Cosford Museum.

We started our day with ‘Fun n Flight’ where the children had the opportunity to explore many interactive flight simulator machines, which reinforced our science learning about forces.
Next, we were able to walk around the planes that flew in Word War 1 and 2.

After lunch, we had a workshop about life above the trenches and learnt more about the planes, the clothes that the WW1 pilots would have  worn and about some of the objects from that period of time.

Finally, we visited other Hangers, where the children saw helicopters, tanks and nuclear missiles and learnt about other wars that had occurred since WW2.

We would like to say a big thank you to RAF Cosford for today and also to Mr Walmsley for accompanying us on our visit.

KS2 Christmas Party

On Thursday 19th December KS2 will be having their Christmas party after lunch.  Please can you send the children to school in their uniform and give them a bag with their party clothes in to get changed into after lunch.  We will also be having a special visit from Father Christmas.

Harvest Festival

Children in Years 1 to 6 will be attending Harvest Festival at Holy Trinity Church, Roft Street. The service will start at 9.30am. If you would like to contribute a donation of dried goods, cereal, tinned foods etc please send to school on Wednesday. We would love some extra help walking the children to church and back, if you can help please let your child’s class teacher know. Many Thanks.

Children in Nursery and Reception will attend Harvest Festival in the main school hall on Friday 25th October at 9.30am.