Family Learning

Wednesday’s 2.00pm – 4.00pm after half term!  Free sessions!

Don’t miss out on this great chance to take part in some family learning time together with your child/ren.  The first hour is the adults ( a great way to make new friends!) the second hour the children join in to help with the project.  We will be looking at ways to use recycled items to make beautiful craft items that can be displayed around school.  We will be making use of the sunshine and gathering items from the gardens/grounds to use in the lessons.  This is a great way to put your talents to use and spend quality time with your children.  There is no cost involved it is FREE.

It’s the final count down!

Year 6 have been working hard this week and are feeling confident about SATs next week.

There is no homework this week as we would like the children to relax, get some early nights and plenty of sleep in preparation for their week ahead.

This term, we have a new topic on India and we look forward to exploring this vibrant country and it’s landscape, physical features and climate.

After SATs, we hope to do lots of art work, PE, music and drama around our topic, so therefore would ask if all PE kits could be left at school.

Most of you have already signed the SATs breakfast letter, which offers the children a free breakfast of bacon/ sausage rolls, cereal and toast. This is a chance for the children to relax, chat with their friends and get ready for their tests in plenty of time. Breakfast will be served from 8.00 a.m and children may enter through the hall doors.

We are so proud of all Year 6 achievements and we know they will try their very best. Thank to all parents and carers for your continued support.


World Book Day 2019

Well what a fantastic day we have all had today!  We had a huge selection of fabulous costumes in school today from Superheroes, Princesses, Star Wars, Mary Poppins, Oompa Loompas, Gruffalos and everything inbetween.  A massive ‘Thank You’ to all the parents for helping the children join in on this special day and the staff for their enthusiasm to join in! Here’s a few photos from today, there will be lots more on the class pages.

Momo Challenge – Factsheet for Parents

You may have seen in the media, details about something called the ‘Momo Challenge’.  It is a viral game targeted at young players and is easily accessed through social media shares (mainly You Tube and Facebook).  It has been brought to our attention by some older pupils and also local and national news coverage.  We have put together below some useful advice on how to speak to your children about it and what to look out for.   If you have any concerns please contact school.

Last day!😢

We have had the most amazing day – once again.

More BMX ing, archery and caving.

We also had such a great time at the camp fire last night.

The weather has been fabulous with warm sunshine.

Thank you to Mr Hughes for leading the trip and to all the staff for giving up their own time!

There will be more photos to follow.

Christmas Jumper Day – Raising funds for Hope House

On Christmas Jumper Day, Friday 14th December we have agreed to support Hope House (a local charity) instead of the usual ‘Save the Children’. The children have already had an assembly from Hope House explaining how they use any monies raised.
We will have collection boxes in all the classrooms and would appreciate any donation however big or small from the children and staff.
Here are a few words from Rachel, the Hope House & Tŷ Gobaith representative:
“Hope House Children’s Hospices support seriously ill local children and their families with respite care, sibling support and counselling, both at our hospices in Oswestry and Conwy and out in the community. Last year, thanks to the support of our wonderful community we were able to care for more than 700 families. We’re so grateful to Holy Trinity Primary Academy for choosing to support Hope House through 2018’s Christmas Jumper Day. Please join in by wearing your favourite Christmas jumper and know that you’re making a huge difference for local children this Christmas. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your support and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Jumper Day!”