URGENT UPDATE: PARENTS EVENINGS – Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday Evenings


PARENTS EVENINGS – Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday Evenings

After re-visiting our school COVID risk assessment it has been decided that Parents Evening appointments will NOT be held in the hall.

Please see the information below for entering and exiting the school for your appointment.

Teacher Class Entry Door Exit Door
Mrs Meddins Clee Class Main front door from school car park (giraffe door) Classroom door to playground and exit up the Nursery path
Mrs Rhodes – Leader Earlshill Class Main front door from school car park (giraffe door) Classroom door to playground and exit up the Nursery path
Mr Hughes Wrekin Class Main front door from school car park (giraffe door) Classroom door to playground and exit up the Nursery path
Mrs Thompstone Caradoc Class Main front door from school car park (giraffe door) Classroom door to playground and exit up the Nursery path
Miss Roberts Longmynd Class 3/4 Doors on path further down from the office Hall Doors
Miss Hutson Ercall Class 3/4 Doors on path further down from the office Hall Doors
Mrs Taylor Hawstone Class 3/4 Doors on path further down from the office Hall Doors
Miss Scoltock Stiperstones Class 5/6 Doors on the Beech Grove Car Park 5/6 Doors on the Beech Grove Car Park
Mrs Platt Haughmond Class 5/6 Doors on the Beech Grove Car Park 5/6 Doors on the Beech Grove Car Park


  • Please can we ask that you wear a mask when you enter the building
  • Please use hand sanitizer provided before you enter a classroom
  • Please be considerate to staff and other parents waiting and be on time for your appointment.


Thank you for your co-operation and understanding in helping to keep our Holy Trinity community safe.



Parents Lunch with new Reception Class

On Monday our new Reception class children had their first taste of school lunches.  They were able to share this experience with their parents and carers.  It was lovely to finally be able to welcome parents back into school to share these experiences with the children.  Something we will hopefully be doing more of in the coming months.

Here are just a few photos of our lovely lunch and some of the comments we received.

“Very helpful, love this idea!”

“So helpful as she is shy”

“It has helped to settle the children and reassure them”

“I was able to encourage my child to eat and also see what she eats when not at home”

Thank you so much to all the parents that came.


Breakfast Club and After School Care

Dear Parents and Carers
Our wraparound care is now up and running. It will be held in the Acorns centre which is situated at the side of the school and can be accessed via the Nursery gate. Parents and Carers can use the small car park next to the Nursery entrance.

Before and after school care MUST be booked and paid for 1 week in advance. Payment must be made via Parentpay. If you do not have an account please speak to the ladies in the office who will help you set one up.

Sessions are as follows:

1st child Breakfast Club – 7.40am – 8.40am £5.00
1st Child After School Care 3.00pm – 4.00pm £5.00
1st child Additional Hour 4.00pm – 5.00pm £3.00

2nd child and any additional Children Breakfast Club 7.40am – 8.40am £4.00
2nd child and any additional children After School Care 3.00pm – 4.00pm £4.00
2nd child and any additional children additional hour 4.00pm – 5.00pm £2.00

IMPORTANT: Please use the notes box when booking and put the date you are paying for and the names of the child/ren especially if they are additional children.

Yours sincerely

Mr Kenyon
Head of School

Safer Schools Initiative

Dear Parents and Carers,

Safer School Initiative

The Safer School initiative is a school security initiative that encompasses personal safety.  It was created by West Mercia Police and with the support of Shropshire Council, virtually all Shropshire schools are following the process.  This is a fantastic opportunity for our school.

The initiative is a practical and realistic risk management approach to the security and safety of school staff, pupils, property and the premises.  Following the satisfactory completion of the process, schools receive the Safer School accreditation and this accreditation is reviewed every two years. No two schools are the same and therefore, it is site specific to individual schools.  The process involves a Safer School Group following a comprehensive package.  Safer School Groups meet on a regular basis to follow and implement the Safer School process and parents and carers are informed of the Group’s progress through newsletters.

The essential elements of the package are as follows: –

  1. Implement basic security measures applicable at all schools i.e. property marking and visitor passes etc.
  2. Consider pro-active security and safety measures for the site/building and/or protecting assets.
  3. Establish a procedure for recording incidents i.e. anti-social behaviour, vandalism etc. Any recorded information can then be analysed. In addition, the same recording procedure can be used for surveying a problem i.e. an unauthorised thoroughfare.
  4. If there are any projects to be undertaken following the Group’s work, they are prioritised. Following the implementation of a project, the success of it is reviewed.
  5. PSHE or education of pupils as per the Safer School pack.


As part of the process, the school would appreciate your views. Please could you forward any views/concerns, including any positive observations, by Friday, 14th May 2021 so they may be considered at a Safer School Group meeting.  This can be done through the form accessible through the following link:


If you would prefer a paper copy to complete and return to school, please do let me know.  The focus is the school grounds and site. If any parents or carers are interested to view the Safer School package, they are welcome to contact myself at school.

Yours sincerely


Mrs Thompstone

Safer School Lead

Stunning Start to our Victorian Topic

What a fantastic day we have all had today. Haughmond turned back time to 1890’s and our class became a school room. Well done to everyone who dressed up and became a Victorian school pupil. (Thank you so much parents)

We learnt so much about how Victorian children would have spent their day at school.

Our day started by lining up in height order, before standing in front of our desks to learn about the school rules and our timetable for the day.

We  practiced the 3R’s on slate as well as reciting poetry; whilst in the afternoon, the girls did some needlework and the boys enjoyed some practical drawing- to make mini models of a Victorian School.


World Book Day – Thursday 4th March

World Book Day

World Book Day is going to look a little bit different this year, however, we are going to make sure it is just as much fun! We know how much you love books and reading and think it is particularly important for us all to celebrate World Book Day. We are planning lots of exciting and engaging activities based on our favourite books and authors during the week starting 1st March.  Our whole school book will be ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’.

There will be daily Zoom reading sessions with different adults working at Holy Trinity. Teachers will also be talking about their favourite books and authors and we would like to challenge you to record a short video talking about your favourite book and send it to us.

On Thursday 4th March the children who are in school will take part in an online author roadshow which will be recorded and a link sent out to all of the families working from home so that everyone can enjoy listening to some of their favourite authors.

  • For our younger children Jonnie Duddle, John Kane and Julia Patton will be attending the Roadshow.
  • For our older readers, Konnie Huq, Chris Wakling and Andy Shepherd will be taking part.

We would like to invite you to join us all in dressing up as your favourite character on World Book Day. There is no need to buy anything special for this, all you need is your imagination! We will be having Zoom sessions during the day so that we can see each other’s costumes, I wonder how many different characters we will see?

Finally, you will be sent a digital World Book Day token which can be used to buy an exclusive World Book Day book from your local bookshop between 18th February and 28th March 2021.

Thank you for your support,

Miss Wright (English Lead)

School Re-Opening – Monday 8th March

Dear Parents & Carers,

School Re-Opening  – Monday 8th March 2021

Welcome back to a new term and I hope this communication finds you all well and in good spirits. The February half-term was very different for all of us but I hope that you all managed to have some quality time together as a family. You have all been doing such an amazing job guiding your children at home with their learning through what has been the most difficult time we have ever experienced in education. I really can’t thank you enough for the support, positivity and love you have displayed throughout this period.

Yesterday’s announcement from the Prime Minister has clearly laid out plans for all children to return to school on Monday the 8th of March and this is what we will aim for in respect of a full return. We will utilise next week to ensure that we are fully prepared for all of our pupils coming back into school. We continue to have a robust risk assessment in place which is continuously re-evaluated and revisions will be put in place where appropriate.

As children and school staff have still not received any vaccinations then the virus remains highly transmissible. We are therefore still in a prevention phase so many of the measures and expectations that you previously experienced will still be in place when the school fully re-opens. All school staff are conducting self-testing twice a week but this is once again just a preventative measure.

From the 8th of March, face coverings will need to be worn by all adults visiting the site and all parents and carers will be expected to adhere to social distancing guidance of at least two metres. Prior to the most recent lockdown, some of our parents were continuing to mix either on or immediately off the school site which is not acceptable. If the expectations being set by the school are not adhered to then parents may be refused entry to the school site and alternative drop off and pick up procedures will be put in place.

We will once again aim to use a staggered start and end to the school day as well as additional entry and collection points. This will hopefully help us to avoid such lengthy queues but it will only be effective if parents and carers stick to their given drop off and pick up times.

Children will be expected to wear their full school uniform each day apart from when it is their P.E day. On a P.E day children can come to school wearing their full school P.E kit and trainers. If your child does not have the appropriate P.E kit then please contact www.schoolshopdirect.co.uk to place an order immediately.

Your child’s class teacher will inform you of P.E days on Class Dojo and on the school website. Please ensure that your child’s school uniform, coat and P.E kit are all clearly labelled. It is also essential that your child has a freshly filled and clearly labelled water bottle in school with them each day.   More detailed information regarding times and access will be sent out prior to the 8th of March.

Thank you for your continued support during such challenging times.

Mr Dickson – Principal