Advice to All Parents – Single case of Coronavirus in school.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Advice to All Parents – Single case of Coronavirus in school.

Unfortunately, I have been advised by the parents of a child in the family bubble Year3/4 that their child has tested positive for Coronavirus.  I have been in touch with Public Health England and they have advised me to close this bubble.  Parents of the children in this bubble have been telephoned by myself, as the children and their siblings will have to self-isolate for 10 days.  I will hopefully be able to re-instate this class bubble provision by 28th January.

I will continue to monitor the situation and will keep you informed. Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.   The school remains open for all other bubbles and providing your child remains well they can continue to attend school as normal if they are part of the keyworker groups.

What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19

If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via or by calling 119.

All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 10 days. The 10-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.  Household members should not go to work, school or public areas and exercise should be taken within the home.

Household members staying at home for 10 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community.

If you are able, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those

with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for

the duration of the home isolation period.


The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:

  • new continuous cough and/or
  • high temperature
  • a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

Also, be aware that Shropshire council have advised that stomach ache in some cases for children may be a symptom.

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.

If your child or anyone in the household does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.

How to stop COVID-19 spreading

There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with

getting ill with COVID-19


  • wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • wash your hands as soon as you get home
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands)

when you cough or sneeze

  • put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards

Further Information

Further information is available at

Please do not hesitate to contact the school office or your child’s teacher if you have concerns regarding this matter.

Look after each other, take care and stay safe.

Mr Dickson


Haughmond’s Star of the Week, Remembrance Week and Silly Socks!

What a very busy week it has been in Haughmond this week.

We have been looking at the work of Wilfred Owen, a local World War 1 hero, who once  lived in Oswestry and wrote the most amazing poetry based on the horror of war. We studied Dulce Decorum Est and wrote our own stanza in the style of Wilfred Owen.

The children had studied World War 1 last year – so were able to apply all previous knowledge to our writing. We then created water coloured poppies over the top of our poems in remembrance to the fallen ones.

George Lidlow Jeffers

Our Star of the Week this week is George Lidlow Jeffers. George has now read over one and a half million words and is now on the way to two million words. He wrote the most amazing stanza of Wilfred Owen’s poem and read it out on our school Remembrance video. George is using all of his reading skills to improve upon his writing week by week. We are so very proud of all of his achievements.


Congratulations to Abby and Mimy who won our Class Home learning Poppy Art Work.

Finally on Friday – lots of us wore our silly socks to support Children in Need!

We hope you enjoy reading all of our poems.

Macmillan Charity Cake Raffle

Friday 25th September is Macmillan Coffee Morning. Unfortunately due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, we cannot hold our usual coffee afternoon or cake sale However, as this is a charity close to our hearts we wanted to do a little something. Therefore, Mrs Dallow has kindly made this fabulous chocolate sponge cake with a woodland theme for us to raffle. We will be asking for a minimum £1 donation from the children (parents and other family members are also more than welcome to take part.
As we cannot handle money directly we will have buckets on the gate Thursday and Friday and we would appreciate it if you could put your donation in a bag/envelope with your name on it and pop it in the bucket OR there will be collection points in the classroom for your child to put their donation. On Friday afternoon we will draw a name out from the donations and announce the winner. Please give generously to this good cause if you can. Thank you !