What is mental health?

We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Being mentally healthy means that we feel good about ourselves, make and keep positive relationships with others and can feel and manage the full range of emotions.  These can range from happiness, excitement and curiosity through to less comfortable feelings such as anger, fear or sadness.

Good mental health allows us to cope with life’s ups and downs, to feel in control of our lives and to ask for help from others when we need support.

Throughout our lives, many different things can change our mental health such as the start or end of relationships, getting a new job or being made redundant, changes in physical health and good news or worries about those we are close to.


It is important to remember that recovery is possible, even from severe mental ill health, and that people with a mental ill-health diagnosis may be managing their condition well and still experiencing high levels of well being.

Top tips for how you can support your child’s mental health 

Below are some ideas for how you can support your child, as well as some suggestions for where you can get further information.

Our everyday habits are important to our mental health, just as they are to our physical health. Here are a few suggestions to help your child develop good habits.

+Talk openly about mental health

Just as you might encourage them to eat fruit and veg to keep their bodies healthy (and model this behaviour yourself), talk openly about, for example, staying connected with others or being physically active in order to take care of our minds.

+Model good habits

Children often learn from copying what they see around them. If you are taking care of your own mental health, it’s easier for them to see what good habits look like.

+Think about phone usage – both theirs and yours

We don’t fully understand the impact of social media on our mental health but using phones and laptops can impact on our sleep, which is important to our mental health. We’re also more likely to listen to one another if we’re not distracted by technology.

+Notice any changes in your child’s behaviour

Young people tell us how they’re feeling in many ways, not always verbally. Learning what is normal for your child makes it easier to notice when things change, and if this might be a sign that they’re struggling.



Below are two document, with information to help you support your child / children at home.

  1. How to support your child if they are feeling anxious about Coronavirus


‘It’s understandable for children and adults to feel concerned or anxious about this virus and it is natural for parents to want to support and protect their children. You might do this in many different ways – giving them a hug, playing a game or having a chat. The most important thing is for your child to know that you are there for them, ready to help them if things get hard. We hope these tips help you support your child at this time.’


2. Looking after your family’s emotional well being at home


‘Inside this book are a few tips, activities and useful
information to help you to keep yourself and your family
emotionally healthy at home.’


If you would like anymore information please give the school a ring or email and we can give you details and contact numbers to support you.

My Lighthouse

Good Morning, are you ready for a challenge?
I would like you to film yourself doing the actions to My Lighthouse using this link to help you –

When you are happy with the video send it to me at and I will create one big Holy Trinity video for you all to see.

This will be a great opportunity for you to sing the song, remember the amazing words which are so important during this time and for you to see your friends. You can film your video alone or with your brothers and sisters – anyway will be perfect! Be creative with your filming too.

I’d love the videos by Friday 25th April.

Have a great time and I can’t wait to see the videos 🙂

Mrs Price