Greek day in Caradoc

We have had the most amazing day today in Caradoc. The children all looked fantastic, I would like to thank all the parents and carers for all of your support in helping to make this day such success.

We tasted some traditional Greek foods including olives, flatbread and feta. The children made a tasty Greek salad to take home. The children also prepared a traditional Greek casserole using courgettes, aubergine and fresh herbs, it smelled fantastic. I can’t wait to hear what parents and carers thought of the sample we sent home. To drink we crushed grapes to make grape juice (not with our feet!).

Finally the children tool part in a Greek dancing activity and printed designs for a Greek style vase. Here are just a few photographs from our day. We would love it if you could tell us what you thought of the food the children brought home!

Preparing the salad

Food tasting

Ready to take home

Our Minotaur head

Preparing the grape juice

A busy day on Mount Olympus

Aubergine and courgette…yum

A fun Science day – Mental health and fitness week.

Hi – Everyone                                  Hope you are all enjoying the week?

We had a great day in Year 5/6 performing yesterday.

Today  is Science activities day and we thought you could get messy in the kitchen.

The following link gives you endless investigations which you can carry out at home with ingredients from your kitchen.


Fun With Density

Science Experiment Cola fountain


Only use ingredients with an adult present.

Please send us lots of great pictures of your investigations!

Stay safe everyone