Friday Home Learning

Good morning everyone!

What a beautiful beautiful morning it is! Well done to every one who has been completing the daily tasks. I have been so impressed with all of your work! A special well done to Kaden and Leyton who completed all of their assigned Mathletics activities!

Today I would love to see some amazing sentences! In Year 1, we have been working on using finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. Reception have been working on “holding a sentence” in their head, then sounding out each word and writing it with finger spaces.

I would like you to create a piece of Art. This can be anything: you can build a model; you can paint a picture; you can sketch something. ANYTHING! If it’s linked with a farm – even better!

Once you’ve made your artwork, I would like you to write a description. Year 1 should write at least 3 sentences using adjectives, full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

Reception depends on their confidence. If you feel like your child is able to write more than one sentence, please encourage them to do so.

Please can Year 1 also complete their Spell Check and send me the results.

Have an amazing day!

Thursday Home Learning

Good Morning Earl’s Hill!

Today we are going to look at a story called “The Little Red Hen”. Follow the story along with the video. See if you can join in on the repeated parts.

This is a brilliant story! Can you make a story map? Your can add labels and captions to make it even better. Here’s an example:

Once you’ve finished, try retelling the story! You can even try acting it out! This is a really fun activity. If you’ve got brothers and sisters, try getting them to join in too!

Here are some activities linked with the story:

  • Make a mask for one of the characters
  •  Easy bread recipe for kids
  • Paint a picture of the characters
  • Play with flour (counting/adding scoops)
  • Scissor skills on the grass outside (this one is really fun!)

Have a great day!

Wednesday Home Learning

Good Morning!

Today I thought I’d set something a little different. We have been learning all about plants in our Science and Knowledge and Understanding of the world. So today I would love for you to draw me a diagram of a plant.

You need to include:

  1. roots
  2. stem
  3. flower
  4. leaves

As a cheeky challenge, could you craft your diagram with other materials? If you have a garden you could have a go at pulling up a dandelion/daisy, and building it with labels on the ground. If you can’t get outside, try using bits of card or string and recreating a flower. The most important part is the labels!

If you want to extend the learning further, you could do some research together into what each part of the flower does! For example, why do we need roots? I’d love to see all the amazing creations! Send them to me at

See if your children can remember our seed dance! We started as a ball on the floor and slowly grew into a beautiful flower.

Don’t forget to go on Mathletics for your Maths tasks!

Have fun!

Home Learning

Hello Everyone!

As you know, our topic this half term has been ‘Do Cows Drink Milk?’ The work we have been completing in class has been linked to this topic. Over the coming weeks I will put work and activities on this page for you to complete with your child. Some of this work will be linked to the topic. Others will be more phonics or maths based. Other activities may also be suggested. A list of recommended websites will published, on both the school website and face book page. It will also be emailed out to those parents who have registered their email with Parent Pay.

I have posted the Reception tricky words on the Earls Hill Class page, under the ‘Spellings’ heading. I will also be posting weekly spellings for the fruit groups as usual. To keep routine, you can practise these each day as normal and then you can complete the “Spell Check” on a Friday. It would be great if you could email me a picture of the check at the end of each week! As a cheeky challenge with your spellings, you could even write a sentence using each of the words.

A work pack was sent home last week with each of the children in school. Please try and complete some of these packs each day. Your child also has their reading books. Reading everyday is still vital to your child’s education. In your child’s diary is the link to Purple Mash. I will also be setting tasks on their for your child to complete. These will vary each week. Year 1s have a Mathletics log in as well. If you do not have this, please email me on the class email and I will send it over to you.

Please take this time away to enjoy each other’s company. Although we have an expectation to complete school work, it will look different for every family. Don’t worry if your child is feeling stressed or worried about home learning. This is brand new to everyone. Try doing some crafty activities like baking or Art. This is a great way to make learning practical. These are uncertain times for everyone and you must do what is best for your family. 

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support. I am very proud of all the children in Earls Hill class and the progress they have made since September. I am looking forward to welcoming them back into school as soon as we are able.

Oliver Jeffers’ Story Time!

Every day at 6pm, Oliver Jeffers will be reading a story and talking about some of what went in to making it.

Here’s the link:

We will all be tuning in for his amazing stories!



This week in Earl’s Hill!

We have had such a brilliant week! The children have been detectives getting to the bottom of the mysterious crime that was committed in Grandma’s house! She was eaten! Little Red Riding Hood came to give us her witness statement. Then the police brought the crime scene right into our room! We looked over all of the evidence and then made a wanted poster to catch the Big Bad Wolf. His whereabouts are still unknown.

This week in Earl’s Hill

We have had an amazing week in Earl’s Hill! We have been working so hard on our entries to the St Chad’s Academy story competition, “Shining a light”. We have based our stories around The Three Little Pigs.
In Maths, we have been comparing numbers and practising using the language of “greater than” and “less than”. In Science we have been testing the power of the wind! Our Topic focus for this week has been cities and towns. So we have been designing our own fairytale village! More photos to follow! We also had some very exciting visitors!