Splendid Skies!

For the last two weeks, we have been learning all about the weather. We have felt the wind on our faces, discussed extreme weather and this has inspired our creativity.


We also had a very special visitor as part of our PHSE topic for this term.

Next week, our topic is changing. We will be learning all about traditional tales!

Earl’s Hill News!

Today we had our Christmas lunch and it was definitely enjoyed by all!

Christmas has taken over in our classroom!

The children were brilliant for the pantomime. They shoute “boo” and “it’s behind you” at all the right times! They were so excited that they were out of their chairs most of the time!

Superheroes and Villains!

We’ve been very busy in Earl’s Hill! We’ve been working hard learning all about Superheroes and Villains. We’ve been creating our very own Superhero story complete with a baddie! We began our journey by role-playing in class. We’ve each created our own identity. Lazer Lewis was our Super Villain and she painted Oswestry black! We had to stop her! We had a blast making our Superhero crafts! We learnt all about Batman’s gadget, Spider man’s web shooters, Ben 10’s watch and Captain America’s shield. We decided that it was vital that we made our own gadgets with special powers to complete our outfits!

We have even been being Superheroes in our PE lessons

Being a superhero, means being strong and courageous. It also means having a confidence in who you are.

As well as all of the very important Superhero business, we have also been learning how to programme!

It’s been a crazy few weeks in Earl’s Hill but we are having a great time! Please make sure you are reading with your children every day and Year One’s are practising their spellings! Keep up the hard work!

Last week in Earl’s Hill!

Another crazy week in Earl’s Hill! In English, we’ve been looking at weather reports! Everyday we’ve been outside to report the weather. We’ve been comparing it to Kenya right and now and we’re surprised to find out that it’s only 2 degrees hotter there!

We have completed another super fun experiment! We tested different materials to find out which material would make the best road surface. We tested a fluffy rug, laminate flooring, tin foil and sand paper. We were brilliant at predicting whether they would work or not. We discovered that sandpaper was the best!

We even tried our hand at learning to play bongos! We could keep a brilliant beat!

In PHSE we talked about team work and the importance of communication. To demonstrate how crucial good communication is, we tied ourselves in knots!

To finish off a fabulous topic we had our incredible inspire afternoon! Thank you so much to all of the adults who came and made some beautiful masks with the children! They really are brilliant!

Last Week in Earl’s Hill

Last week was jam packed full of exciting activities! We were focusing on a book called “Mama Panya’s Pancakes”. It’s all about how Mama Panya wanted to make pancakes for her and her son but he invited too many people! In the end, all of the guests bring food with them and it ended as a feast! So we decided to make our own pancakes! To be able to do this, we wrote a set of instructions!

We have also been looking at the geographical make-up of the continent of Africa and we learnt that there’s three main parts: savanna, desert and rain forest. We used different natural materials to map out the areas.

We have been learning about different medias in Art. This week we learnt about a specific type of collage. First of all, we sketched native African flowers and then we scrunched up small pieces of tissue paper. 

We are thoroughly enjoying our Science experiments at the moment. This week we looked at magnets. We used the magnets as a method of ascertaining what material each item was made out of.

On Friday 12th July, we will be having an Inspire Afternoon. We will be making African Inspired masks! A letter will be going out tomorrow with all of the details! Looking forward to seeing you there!


Last week in Earl’s Hill!

In Art last week, we were real artists and we sketched animals. This week we coloured them in with chalks. It was so messy!

We have also been doing some science investigations! We made rain coats for our teddies from different materials to see which would be the best one.

After we had fully wrapped our teddies in our materials. We tested how waterproof they were by pouring water on them and wiping to see if they got wet!

For our topic work, we learnt all about the animals that are native to Africa. We went on a safari! It was dangerous and so exciting!


This week in Earl’s Hill

We have had a fantastic week in Earl’s Hill! We have read a book called Handa’s Surprise and all our lesson have been linked to the topic of Africa!

We have also started learning about numbers up to 100!

Our new PHSE topic is “People who help us”. So we started talking all about the amazing adults in our life who contribute to our health and well being!

Next week, the Year 1s will have their phonics screening test. We have been working so hard on our reading in the run up to this. Please can we continue to practise at home! Thank you!

This week in Earl’s Hill!

This week in Earl’s Hill, we have started learning about Space.

In English, we all created our very own aliens. This helped us then write our descriptions!

In Topic, we learnt all about the moon landing. We learnt that, before humans walked on the moon, Americans and Russians we in competition with each other over who could get there first. We also learnt that we sent flies, monkeys and a dog to Space! Once we had written our timeline, we folded them into rockets and competed with each other to try and get to the moon!

This week we have also learnt all about democracy! For this, we had to invent our own cause and leader. We chose our favourite foods! Each food group became a political party!

We also began making planets using papier-mâché! It was very messy!